by John | Nov 20, 2022 | Uncategorized
Original Vintage Art & Text

Inks by Dick Giordano from the story “Heartbreaker” in FIRST KISS #12, 1960. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
Here’s a story synopsis of the original art’s story “Heartbreaker” via the good folks at
Jill is the “campus queen,” who flirts with boys and breaks their hearts. She becomes interested in new student Ron and thinks she’s found true love at last. However, Ron says he’s taking someone else to the prom, and now Jill has “learned my lesson…the hard way!”
Original Vintage Art & Text
Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
SCENE: A man is driving a car and a woman is beside him in the passenger seat. The car is a convertible or a jalopy.
WOMAN: Hurry! We’ve got to elope…before one of us changes her mind!
1960 Inks: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman
Pedal to the Metal: John Lustig
↓ TranscriptSCENE: A man is driving a car and a woman is beside him in the passenger seat. The car is a convertible or a jalopy.
WOMAN: Hurry! We’ve got to elope...before one of us changes her mind!
1960 Inks: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman
Pedal to the Metal: John Lustig
by John | Nov 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Frank Frazetta in the story “A Love of My Own” in Personal Love #24, 1953. Published by Eastern Color. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
The Abby Amour miniseries runs every Friday. Dialogue by Tony Isabella. If you’ve missed any episodes, no problem. You can catch them here:
LOGO: The Loves of Abby Amour
CAPTION: Poisoned by a undercooked eggplant…
CAPTION: …Abby shakily makes her way…
CAPTION: …to the base hospital!
DRIVER: HEY! Watch where you’re going, ya blonde bimbo!
CAPTION: Still chuckling over the “eggplant” reference?
CAPTION: What are you…twelve?
CAPTION: To be continued…
1953 Art: Frank Frazetta Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
↓ TranscriptLOGO: The Loves of Abby Amour
CAPTION: Poisoned by a undercooked eggplant...
CAPTION: ...Abby shakily makes her way...
CAPTION: the base hospital!
DRIVER--JOHNNY SACKO: HEY! Watch where you’re going, ya blonde bimbo!
CAPTION: Still chuckling over the “eggplant” reference?
CAPTION: What are you...twelve?
CAPTION: To be continued...
1953 Art: Frank Frazetta Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
by John | Nov 15, 2022 | Uncategorized
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta from the story “Rich Girl, Poor Guy” in Brides in Love #14, 1959.Published by Charlton. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
SCENE: Man and woman kissing.
WOMAN (thinking): all the lies and faked orgasms were worth it for…true love!
1959 Art: Vince Colletta
Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
True Humor: John Lustig
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Man and woman kissing.
WOMAN (thinking): all the lies and faked orgasms were worth it for…true love!
1959 Art: Vince Colletta
Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
True Humor: John Lustig
by John | Nov 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown. From the story “My Kisses Were Cheap” in Diary Loves #5, May 1950. Published by Quality. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
SCENE: A red-headed woman is lying in bed crying.
WOMAN (thinking): He said he was an enchanted prince! But he was really a horny toad!
Artist Unknown Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
↓ TranscriptSCENE: A red-headed woman is lying in bed crying.
WOMAN (thinking): He said he was an enchanted prince! But he was really a horny toad!
Artist Unknown Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
by John | Nov 10, 2022 | Uncategorized
Happy Veteran’s Day!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Frank Frazetta in the story “A Love of My Own” in Personal Love #24, 1953. Published by Eastern Color. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
The Abby Amour miniseries runs every Friday. Dialogue by Tony Isabella. If you’ve missed any episodes, no problem. You can catch them here:
BANNER LOGO: The Loves of Abby Amour
SCENE: Abby Amour has her hand over her face and doesn’t feel well.
CAPTION: Abby is heading to the hospital…after eating some bad eggplant.
SCENE: Colonel Bluster is smoking a pipe and is lost in thought.
COL. BLUSTER thinks: Lt. Amour must have enjoyed our dinner. She sent me an eggplant emoji. I’ll invite her to that new Mexican place. Ah, there’s a taco emoji.
(We see a taco in his thought balloon.)
CAPTION: Alas, neither Abby nor Colonel Bluster…have even a basic grasp…of emoji slang.
1953 Art: Frank Frazetta Lettering & Image Massage: John Lustig
Writer: Tony Isabella
Personal Love 24_6 16_3_Woman
↓ TranscriptBANNER LOGO: The Loves of Abby Amour
SCENE: Abby Amour has her hand over her face and doesn't feel well.
CAPTION: Abby is heading to the hospital...after eating some bad eggplant.
SCENE: Colonel Bluster is smoking a pipe and is lost in thought.
COL. BLUSTER thinks: Lt. Amour must have enjoyed our dinner. She sent me an eggplant emoji. I’ll invite her to that new Mexican place. Ah, there’s a taco emoji.
(We see a taco in his thought balloon.)
CAPTION: Alas, neither Abby nor Colonel Bluster...have even a basic grasp...of emoji slang.
1953 Art: Frank Frazetta Lettering & Image Massage: John Lustig
Writer: Tony Isabella
Personal Love 24_6 16_3_Woman