The Abby Amour miniseries runs every Friday. Dialogue by Tony Isabella. If you’ve missed any episodes, no problem. You can catch them here:
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Frank Frazetta in the story “A Love of My Own” in Personal Love #24, 1953. Published by Eastern Color. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
BANNER LOGO: The Loves of Abby Amour
SCENE: Abby is lying down and crying. And generally looking miserable.
CAPTION: Two weeks ago…
ABBY THINKS: I really shouldn’t have ordered the eggplant. I haven’t felt this nauseated…since Elon bought Twitter. Before I go to the base hospital…I’ll let Colonel Bluster…know what happened. I’ll send this eggplant emoji.
IMAGE: An eggplant
1953 Art: Frank Frazetta Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira Lettering: John Lustig
Writer: Tony Isabella
↓ Transcript
BANNER LOGO: The Loves of Abby Amour
SCENE: Abby is lying down and crying. And generally looking miserable.
CAPTION: Two weeks ago...
ABBY THINKS: I really shouldn’t have ordered the eggplant. I haven’t felt this nauseated...since Elon bought Twitter. Before I go to the base hospital...I’ll let Colonel Bluster...know what happened. I’ll send this eggplant emoji.
IMAGE: An eggplant
1953 Art: Frank Frazetta Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira Lettering: John Lustig
Writer: Tony Isabella
SCENE: Abby is lying down and crying. And generally looking miserable.
CAPTION: Two weeks ago...
ABBY THINKS: I really shouldn’t have ordered the eggplant. I haven’t felt this nauseated...since Elon bought Twitter. Before I go to the base hospital...I’ll let Colonel Bluster...know what happened. I’ll send this eggplant emoji.
IMAGE: An eggplant
1953 Art: Frank Frazetta Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira Lettering: John Lustig
Writer: Tony Isabella
With a body like that, do you think he’ll care?
Blondie wanted more from Dagwood than his Sandwich Empire fortune. Much, much more
Cry me a river baby. Or even just a creek. Anything to get that gown soaking wet.
There was no sleep for me that night…Trying to figure out why I had the statuette of a pygmy’s foot on my nightstand kept me tossing and turning.
Cheer up Love. As they say, there’s no problem a sexy pose in lingerie and a stare from big, soulful Bambi eyes can’t fix.
Great stuff–as always, Jams!
Hey, Jams. I just sent you an e-mail, but I’m not sure if I’ve still got the right address. If you see this, let me know if you’ve received it. Thanks.
I didn’t know Frazetta worked in comics. She’s wearing more than the women in the paintings he’s known for, while her figure is just average for them.
I’m no Frazetta expert, but I know during his early years he did quite a bit of comics work–everything from sci-fi covers to jungle comics, some romance stories and even a bit of funny animal comics!
And, if you want to broaden the scope to include comic strips, he even ghosted art for Al Capp’s L’il Abner!
One wonders if the colonel has a 12 part eggplant, if ya know what I mean…
I don’t know about that, but the Colonel insists his eggplant is large and satisfying.
I mean, if you can’t trust a man to tell the truth about his eggplant, then who can you trust?