by John | Dec 15, 2024 | Blog
Original Vintage Art & Text

Pencils by Dick Giordano (with inks by either Giordano or Vince Colletta) from the story “Letter from Long Ago” in First Kiss #6, Nov. 1958. Published by Charlton Comics.
Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on
↓ TranscriptCAPTION: “Our love was dying! Jim had stopped showering me with gifts! In fact…I think he stopped showering at all! He was always too busy...rushing off to work…staying late…and coming home later. I knew he was having an affair! Oh, how had we come to this? In the beginning, everything had been so perfect! He’d buy me wonderful gifts! Flowers! Chocolate! Key issues of Silver Age comic books! And now…nothing! Surely, our love was doomed! Or so I thought, until…”
SCENE PANEL #1: Man's hand holding an engagement ring out to a crying young woman.
MAN: Surprise! I’ve been working extra hours to buy you...this!
WOMAN: An engagement ring? But I thought…
SCENE PANEL #2: Man puts engagement ring on the wedding ring finger of the woman.
MAN: Oh, honey! don't be silly! You don't have to think ever again! You're marrying me!
WOMAN: OH...Of course, darling! But still...I can’t help wondering…
“If we return this ring…can you image how many great comics we can buy?”
1958 Pencils: Dick Giordano Inks: Giordano or Vince Colletta Gift Exchange: John Lustig
FK06_03_3-4Less Dialogue
by John | Oct 15, 2024 | Blog
This is an adaption of a two-parter that I originally did for Comics Buyer’s Guide back in 2004. It appears here in color for the first time and with a new opening caption and some minor edits. Part 2 will appear this Friday.
Original Vintage Art & Text

Inked by Dick Giordano. From the story “My Foolish Heart” in First Kiss #21, July 1961. Charlton Comics.

Inked by Dick Giordano. From the story “My Foolish Heart” in First Kiss #21, July 1961. Charlton Comics.
Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on
↓ TranscriptCAPTION: "Hello, I’m Mildred Inksplat--sexy scholar of comic book wisdom! I'm here today to discuss Batman’s most famous utterance: “Criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot!”*
MILDRED: What did Batman really mean by that? My research shows that Most criminals are... men! So obviously batman is are more likely to be cowardly, superstitious and dishonest than women! Oh, No! Does that offend you? I’m sincerely sorry! And do you know why? Because I’m a woman, you clod! I’m considerate! I care! if I was a man I'd never be this %$#@ sensitive!
Friday, In Part 2 of 2: Mildred Gets Even More %$#@ Sensitive!
1961 Inks: Dick Giordano Silly, Sensitive & Slightly Superstitious: John Lustig
by John | May 21, 2024 | Blog
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art possibly by Jill Elgin. From the Blonde Bomber story in All-New Comics #9, Jully 1944. Published by Harvey Comics.
Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on
↓ TranscriptSCENE: A man and a woman are tied up in front of a huge, stone fireplace. Books in a bookcase are nearby. Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane?
JIMMY: Groan! How many times this week have we been abducted and tied up by super villains, Lois?
LOIS: Beats me, Jimmy! I can’t count that high!
JIMMY: Me either!
CAPTION: Next: Our heroes are captured by the sinister sorcerer Deja Vu Doo...again! And again! And again!
1944 Art: Jill Elgin? Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Bound for Glory: John Lustig
by John | May 19, 2024 | Blog
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “The Girl Next Door” in First Kiss #3, May 1958. Published by Charlton. The story begins on Page 8.
Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman talking to a man and woman.
WOMAN: I’m not a golddigger! I’d marry your dad Even if...he was down to his last million dollars!
1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio New Color: Dan McConnell & John Lustig
Poor Writer: John Lustig
by John | Aug 20, 2023 | Blog
More fun from Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art attributed to Jill Elgin from All-New Comics #8, 1944. Published by Harvey. No link this time because All-New Comics #8 isn’t online.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: A red-headed person in skirt (or dress) is trying to keep herself from falling by balancing precariously on a building crane.
CAPTION: Undercover reporter Jimmy is in mortal peril.
CAPTION: It must be Monday.
CAPTION: Their super-powered pal will rescue them.
CAPTION: And maybe this time, Kal will admit that...
CAPTION: ...Jimmy has much better legs than Lois.
1944 Art: Jill Elgin Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella