Martha StewTart…Domestic Superhero, Part 5

Martha StewTart…Domestic Superhero, Part 5

No original “Forever and a Day” art this time. I pulled art from another Charlton Comics story for this segment of “Martha Stewtart.”

But here’s some great bonus art—the “Martha StewTart in Prison” paper doll that Anne Timmons and I created back in 2003 for the fourth issue of my Last Kiss comic book.

Quite honestly, I never thought the real Martha was going to prison. It seemed too outlandish. So imagine my surprise when the issue came out the same week Martha Stewart was indicted!

Click image to enlarge.


Martha StewTart…Domestic Superhero, Part 4

Martha StewTart…Domestic Superhero, Part 4

I’m reprinting (bit-by-bit) the entire Charlton Comics story “Forever and a Day” that served as the basis for most of “Martha StewTart.” (See below.)

Click on image to enlarge.

Martha StewTart…Domestic Superhero, Part 3

Martha StewTart…Domestic Superhero, Part 3

I’m reprinting (bit-by-bit) the entire Charlton Comics story “Forever and a Day” that served as the basis for most of “Martha StewTart.” (See below)

In creating “Martha StewTart” I sometimes changed the order of the panels—and even added art from other stories-—as I did here.

For the sake of continuity, though, I’m presenting Charlton’s “Forever and a Day” in it’s original order.

Click to enlarge.
↓ Transcript
PANEL 1: Worker during a storm rolling (or dumping) a leaking barrel.

BOB'S CAPTION: "Remember, Martha! Nuclear power is the safest, cleanest form of energy in history!"

WORKER (thinking): Gee! The fish are sure pretty when they turn pink like that! But...I wonder why they're all floating upside down?

PANEL 2: Martha watches as Bob leaves for work.

MARTHA'S CAPTION "I knew Bob was right! He was a scientist! And, as I watched my man go to work, I swelled with pride until I thought I'd burst! I gasped for breath! Could this be love...or did I just need a bigger bra?"

MARTHA: Hurry home, dear! We're having Tic Tacs for dessert!

PANEL 3: Martha swimming in a lake.

CAPTION: "I had a wonderful swim! It was as if there was something magical in the water! Every cell in my body tingled with energy! Suddenly, I knew...I could do anything!"

MARTHA: All those dead fish up ahead...I can't wait to saute them in garlic butter!

CAPTION: To Be Continued

Martha StewTart…Domestic Superhero, Part 2

Martha StewTart…Domestic Superhero, Part 2

In creating “Martha StewTart” I sometimes changed the order of the panels from the original art. For the sake of continuity, though, I’m presenting Charlton’s “Forever and a Day” in it’s original order. (See below.)

Click image to enlarge.

↓ Transcript
TITLE: Martha StewTart...Domestic Superhero!
CAPTION: “I know it’s hard to believe, but I haven’t always been as perfect as I am now! During those early carefree days when I lived next to a nuclear project, I didn’t fully understand the joys of being a woman!”*

CAPTION: *As told by Martha herself...except for the parts we made up!

BOB: Well, I'm off to split an atom! Did you have time to pack me a lunch, Martha?

MARTHA: I sure did! And I went all out this time! Bread and butter sandwiches! And for dessert...a Twinkie!

BOB: Gee, that's, uh...great! But, should take a cooking class sometime!

MARTHA: Me? Cook? Don't be silly, Bob! Now go! I'll have your TV dinner defrosted by the time you get home!

MARTHA: By the way, are the lab boys through with that big mysterious project at the lake? I'd like to go swimming...if it's safe?

BOB: They should be finishing up right now! And, of course, it's safe!

CAPTION: To Be Continued

Martha StewTart…Domestic Superhero, Part 1

Martha StewTart…Domestic Superhero, Part 1

And so begins my 10-part serialization of the Martha StewTart saga. What is it exactly? The answer is here.

Below is the first page of the original romance art from First Kiss. I’ll be reprinting the entire “Forever and a Day” storyline here bit-by-bit as the Martha StewTart story unfolds. So you’ll be getting two stories at the same time!

Click to enlarge.



↓ Transcript
CAPTION: In the time it takes you to read this, Martha StewTart can build a 69-room mansion out of toothpicks...crochet a dust cover for her septic tank...and whip up a gourmet breakfast out of dandelions and gerbil mix! How does she do it? Find out in the secret origin of...

MARTHA (thinking as she kisses her husband): The perfect kiss! %$# I’m good!

TITLE: Martha StewTart...Domestic Superhero!*
*As told by Martha herself...except for the parts we made up!
To Be Continued
Art by Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani
Color by Shane Fisher