High Seas Honeymoon

High Seas Honeymoon

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Dick Giordano in Romantic Story #72, June 1964. Charlton Comics.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on ComicBookPlus.com.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A moonlight cruise. In the background a man in a captain's hat and a redheaded woman embrace and are about to kiss. In the foreground, a beautiful brunette woman looks on with longing.

WOMAN IN FOREGROUND: Oh, darling, did you forget we’re on our honeymoon…again!

Adapted from Dick Giordano’s 1964 art New Color: Allen Freeman
Sea Sick: John Lustig


Honeymoon Bliss

Honeymoon Bliss

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “His Future Bride” in Brides in Love #10, Nov. 1958. Charlton Comics.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on ComicBookPlus.com.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman brushing her hair.

WOMAN: Wow! So far, this is my favorite honeymoon...ever!

1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Honeymoon Consultant: John Lustig


Happy Honeymoons

Happy Honeymoons

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Luis Dominguez from the story “Reckless Romance” in First Kiss #30, Feb. 1963. Charlton.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on ComicBookPlus.com.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A woman--who is possibly nude--is smiling and talking to a man. In the background is a waterfall.

WOMAN: I love honeymoons! I always have a great time!

1963 Art: Luis Dominguez Color: Allen Freeman
Background Photo: Ben Guerin via Unsplach
For a Great Time Call: John Lustig

Too Much Love?

Too Much Love?

Art unattributed but probably by Vince Colletta. From the story “You Can Never Tell” in First Kiss #10, Sept. 1959. Click image to see much larger version.



CAPTION: “I was the most wonderful wife any man’s ever had…for the first 30 minutes of our honeymoon! But then the truth struck me hard…right between my perfectly plucked eyebrows! This marriage was a mistake!”

SCENE: Man and woman standing on a dock by a body of water.

MAN: It’s not my fault, Selina! The sex manual was upside down! I’m almost sure of it!

WOMAN: it’s no use,
MAN: As a lover, you’re a complete pussy! And not the good kind…with hair balls!

CAPTION: “Poor Bruce! He tried to stop me! But surely he’ll forgive me someday…if he ever manages to untie himself! I packed–praying my true love would still be at home in our bed…licking himself!”

PANEL 2, SCENE: Woman in a room crying.

WOMAN: Puddles Be brave! Mummy’s flying home! And I’m bringing a suitcase full of catnip!

CAPTION: Next week: “The Litter Box of Doom!”

CAPTION: 1959 Art: Vince Colletta? Color: John Lustig ©2019 Last Kiss Inc

CAPTION: The Woman Who Loved Cats…Too Much!

Art Code: Art Code: FK10 1.2A &

↓ Transcript
CAPTION: “I was the most wonderful wife any man’s ever had...for the first 30 minutes of our honeymoon! But then the truth struck me hard...right between my perfectly plucked eyebrows! This marriage was a mistake!"

SCENE: Man and woman standing on a dock by a body of water.

MAN: It's not my fault, Selina! The sex manual was upside down! I'm almost sure of it!

WOMAN: it's no use,
MAN: As a lover, you’re a complete pussy! And not the good kind...with hair balls!

CAPTION: “Poor Bruce! He tried to stop me! But surely he'll forgive me someday...if he ever manages to untie himself! I packed--praying my true love would still be at home in our bed...licking himself!”

PANEL 2, SCENE: Woman in a room crying.

WOMAN: Puddles Be brave! Mummy’s flying home! And I'm bringing a suitcase full of catnip!

CAPTION: Next week: "The Litter Box of Doom!"

CAPTION: 1959 Art: Vince Colletta? Color: John Lustig ©2019 Last Kiss Inc

CAPTION: The Woman Who Loved Cats...Too Much!

Art Code: FK10 1.2A &

Honeymoon for Three

Honeymoon for Three

There are actually two versions of the original art. Here’s the art is as it appeared on the splash page of “The End of Summer” in First Kiss #34 (drawn by the Vince Colletta Studio):

Click image to enlarge.

And here it is—slightly repositioned and reworked by Dick Giordano—for use on the issue’s cover:

Click image to enlarge.

To save time—and especially money—Charlton Comics often used elements of the interior art for its covers.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman tearfully watches as her husband and her mom walk on the back with their arms around each other.

WOMAN (thinking): Maybe taking mom on our honeymoon was a mistake!

Art: Vince Colletta Studio & Dick Giordano
Color: Allen Freeman