Hey, everyone. Oct. 22 is the birthday of Last Kiss colorist Diego Jourdan Pereira! Anyone want to wish him a happy BD here? If so, I’ll make sure that he sees this page!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Iger Studios from the cover (& a splash page) in Ghost Comics #2, 1952. Fiction House.
Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on ComicBookPlus.com.
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Alarmed woman getting out of bed in a dark room. She's holding a lit candle.
WOMAN: Jeepers Peepers! More ghosts! And all of ‘em male...again! I wonder why...I only see them in my bedroom?And why aren’t any of them wearing anything......but grins?
1952 Art: Iger Studios New Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
If there's something strange in your neighbhood...
Who ya gonna call? John Lustig!
djp_LK739_Alex Blum and Matt Baker Ghost Comics #2 Story Page 1 _hires.tif
WOMAN: Jeepers Peepers! More ghosts! And all of ‘em male...again! I wonder why...I only see them in my bedroom?And why aren’t any of them wearing anything......but grins?
1952 Art: Iger Studios New Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
If there's something strange in your neighbhood...
Who ya gonna call? John Lustig!
djp_LK739_Alex Blum and Matt Baker Ghost Comics #2 Story Page 1 _hires.tif
Happy Birthday, Diego!!! You are doing a awesome job.
Happy Birthday Diego!
I Woke Up In Terror!..
…At least I think that was her name.
…I’m sure that’s why the sheets were so damp. Terror. Yeah…
…I hadn’t slept through Election Day after all! Damnit!
…Which had almost scared my night gown right off my body!
What’s truly horrifying is that the bald ghost is just looming over her bed, waving his hands an inch over her face, and groaning, “I’m not touching you! I’m not touching you!”
Isn’t that always the way ladies? You’re alone, dripping hot wax on your nipples, when an unwelcome ethereal puppeteer shows up on your ceiling!
Sounds like the perfect time for Bonomo Turkish Taffy! Bonomo! Making awkward situations tasty!
“Heavens! Scantily clad, green women are falling all over the floor! That antibiotic really worked!”
On a side note, does that lady on the cover remind anyone of a particular actress? I am blanking on the name. It isn’t Bernadette Peters. But someone kind of like her.
Dang. This is going to drive me nuts.
Happy Birthday, and Thank you so much
Happy birthday Diego! Thanks for all the awesome stuff!!
Happy Diego Day!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Diego and thanks for all the great stuff here
Happy B Day Diego! I enjoy your work.
It’s in a creepy neighborhood. The apartment is infested with sprites. A ghost visits on occasion.
At least the rent is affordable. What’s a girl to do?
Outside of the birthday wish– Hey, guy, ya’ gettin old on us?– I was curious if the email version was sent today?
It went out last night, HW. I can see that it went out via Constant Contact and I can see that a large number of mailing list readers have already opened it. I’m sorry if you’re didn’t arrive!!!
It showed up– after I asked, but marked as sent sixteen hours ago.
Happy 🎂 Diego! It’s my birthday today as well. October birthdays are the best but the 22nd is the pinnacle 😎
Odd… I would have guessed she would have met at least one adolescent or older human male by that age. Or at least been warned about us…