She’s Cavity Free!

She’s Cavity Free!

More fun from fan “fine jams and jellies since 1982!”

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani from the story “Good Ole Joe” in First Kiss #1, Dec. 1957. Published by Charlton. Story begins on Page 28.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Closeup of a man and woman kissing.

CAPTION: As a dentist, Ed often went above and beyond......when it came to checking for plaque deposits!

WOMAN (thinking): This is so cool! I never have to rinse and spit!

1957 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writers: “fine jams and jellies since 1982”
& John Lustig

Cavity Depravity

Cavity Depravity

Art by Dick Giordano from the story “The Proposal” in FIRST KISS #31, April 1963.




Scene: Woman is in a dental chair talking to a dentist.

WOMAN: No, really! You’re the first man who’s ever filled all my cavities…this way!

1963 Art: Dick Giordano Foreground Color: Allen Freeman

↓ Transcript
Scene: Woman is in a dental chair talking to a dentist.

WOMAN: No, really! You’re the first man who’s ever filled all my cavities...this way!

1963 Art: Dick Giordano Foreground Color: Allen Freeman

She Comes Every Six Months

Art by Dick Giordano from First Kiss #31, 1963.

Art by Dick Giordano from First Kiss #31, 1963.

I admit my date with my dentist didn’t start out well.

I mean, I had to make an appointment. And the receptionist Carol asked me for my insurance—almost like I was really there to get my wisdom teeth pulled!

But then Carol took me to a small room. It was decorated to look like a dental office. But I knew it was really a private dining room. I sat in a big, deluxe chair—comfy enough for wild, dental sex!

Then Carol handed me a big bib and, of course, I squealed like a teenage girl on her first date. (Which—by the way—I was.)

“Oh, my! Is this a lobster bib?” I asked. “I’ve never had lobster before. I’m a lobster virgin!”

Carol just shook her head and walked away. She never came back. She didn’t even take my drink order. (No tip for that bitch!)

I was pretty steamed, but then—a mere 45 minutes later—Dr. Dreamboat showed up for our date. So I couldn’t stay angry.

And, guess what? He gave me drugs. What a great way to start a date!

I don’t actually remember anything after that. But—after I woke up and stopped throwing up—I was super sore! So I knew I must’ve had a good time.

And that’s when I knew…I was in love!

Meanwhile, back in the present…

See the revamped version of this art and with new, funny dialogue in today’s Last Kiss Comic.

You Blow Me…Away

You Blow Me…Away

Meanwhile, back in 1963…
See the original 1963 art and dialogue for today’s Last Kiss webcomic here.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A male dentist talks to a woman who's sitting in a dental chair.

DENTIST: Your oral hygiene sucks! But your oral technique...blows
me away!

Art: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman
©2014 Last Kiss Inc

Cavity Search and Found

Cavity Search and Found

Oh, crud. Running this gag made me realize that I’m long overdue for a visit to my own dentist’s torture chamber. (I got the reminder card a year or so ago–and promptly forgot about it.) Time for an appointment. Arrrgh

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman smiling in dentist chair. Dentist is standing next to her and smiling.

WOMAN: I’ve had dates fill my cavities before...but never like this!

Art by Dick Giordano