by John | Sep 29, 2015 | Blog
Yes, that’s a Last Kiss tote bag by the fridge in this scene of The Big Bang Theory.
I’ve now seen the second episode of this season’s The Big Bang Theory. And, yes, once again the Last Kiss “More Caffeine” tote bag appeared on the show.
It was slightly less visible than the last episode and I think there’s a good reason for that…
Counting last season’s final episode, this is the third straight episode featuring the tote. And each time it’s been moved slightly. I think it’s possible that the show’s staff is trying to make it look like the tote is being used. (Just like a tote would be in real life.)
So look for the bag to continue to move—possibly in every episode.
So far, the Last Kiss zombie poster hasn’t been seen on the show again. But I expect it back in the future. Look for it in one of the comic shop scenes in a future episode.
As always, I’m extremely grateful to the amazing John Fluke of Placed4Success for getting Last Kiss on this and other TV shows.
by John | May 7, 2015 | Blog
Last Kiss appeared twice on tonight’s episode of the Big Bang Theory. See poster in the background.
Last Kiss appeared in two scenes (and two sets) of tonight’s Big Big Bang Theory!
Huge thanks to the amazing John Fluke of for the product placement!
Original art color by Allen Freeman with new color and zombification by Mike Pascale!
In a Big Bang kitchen scene, check out the Last Kiss tote hanging on the wall. (Color by Allen Freeman.)
by John | May 3, 2015 | Blog
I would like to say that Last Kiss is definitely, positively and absolutely going to be on the most popular comedy in America this week.
But I really won’t know until the season finale of THE BIG BANG THEORY airs this Thursday, May 7.
However, I can tell you that staff from the CBS show did contact my guy in Hollywood (John Fluke of Placed 4 Success) and request that I rush three pieces of Last Kiss art to them for this episode. So, we’ll see!