Abby Goes Candle Crazy

Abby Goes Candle Crazy

Many thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy 70th Birthday earlier this week. All that love was wonderful and made me feel young–no more than 69!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Frank Frazetta in the story “A Love of My Own” in Personal Love #24, 1953. Published by Eastern Color. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book on ComicBookPlus. The story begins on Page 11.

Past episodes of Abby Amour:

The Abby Amour miniseries runs every Friday. Dialogue by Tony Isabella with repurposed art by Frank Frazetta. Dream sequence color by Sue Daigle-Leach–the legendary Disney comics colorist. (Check out Sue’s Instagram feed for her personal work featuring many critters–real and imagined.)

↓ Transcript

LOGO: The Loves of Abby Amour

CAPTION: A comatose Abby is dreaming.

JOHNNY: How’s about I buy you this crazy candle, babe.

JOHNNY: I could turn it into a kick-ass bong.

ABBY: I haven’t ever done drugs, you hilarious hump.

ABBY: But if I’m going to be dating you...

ABBY: ...maybe I should start! 

CAPTION: To be continued...
next Friday!
1953 Art: Frank Frazetta
Color: Susan Daigle-Leach
Writer: Tony Isabella

Abby’s Blade Banter

Abby’s Blade Banter

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Frank Frazetta in the story “A Love of My Own” in Personal Love #24, 1953. Published by Eastern Color. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book on ComicBookPlus. The story begins on Page 11.

Past episodes of Abby Amour:

The Abby Amour miniseries runs every Friday. Dialogue by Tony Isabella with repurposed art by Frank Frazetta. Dream sequence color by Sue Daigle-Leach–the legendary Disney comics colorist. (Check out Sue’s Instagram feed for her personal work featuring so many critters–real and imagined.)

↓ Transcript
LOGO: The Loves of Abby Amour

CAPTION: A comatose Abby is dreaming.

JOHNNY: I can’t wait to butter your sweet muffins.

JOHNNY: And I ain't talkin' about bread, baby.  

ABBY: Oh, Johnny, you magnificent moron...

ABBY: ...that’s a steak knife! 

ABBY (thought); Maybe when I open my eyes...
ABBY (thought): ...he'll be gone!

CAPTION: To be continued...

1953 Art: Frank Frazetta
Color: Susan Daigle-Leach
Writer: Tony Isabella

Abby’s “Dream” Date

Abby’s “Dream” Date

The Abby Amour miniseries runs every Friday. Dialogue by Tony Isabella with repurposed art by Frank Frazetta. If you’ve missed some episodes, no problem. You can catch find them here using the links below the original art.

Sue Daigle-Leach!

I’m very excited to announce that Sue Daigle-Leach will be coloring the dream sequence panels of the Abby Amour series. (Get a better look at her art below.)

Nominated for both Eisner and Harvey awards, Sue is probably best known to fans for her work coloring classic Disney comics by Barks, Van Horn, Jippes, Rosa and so many others. And, yes, I’m among those lucky Disney “others” whose stories Sue has colored.

Sue has been coloring funny animal Disney comics since the 1980s. And at first she told me that “these [Last Kiss panels] are the first non-cartoony humans I’ve colored [professionally], unless you want to count that one Barks story where he gave his human characters actual human faces [in the story “Dangerous Disguise.”]

But then she thought and added: “Oh, and I did color a couple of limited series titles for Todd McFarlane…There was a human kid in that one!”

Okay, so we don’t quite have a first here. But close.

If you want to spend a few pleasant moments, Sue’s Instagram site has lots of her personal colored art–much of it featuring wildlife. And to know more about Sue, here’s her wikipedia page.

A better look at Sue’s coloring–sans my lettering.


Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Frank Frazetta in the story “A Love of My Own” in Personal Love #24, 1953. Published by Eastern Color. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.

↓ Transcript

LOGO: The Loves of Abby Amour

CAPTION: A comatose Abby is dreaming. 

JOHNNY: How great is this! PFC Johnny Sacko is dating the hottest
chick on the base...and she’s an officer!

JOHNNY: Maybe you could autograph your panties to me?

JOHNNY: Once they dry out?

ABBY: *giggle* Oh, Johnny, you’re so stupid and toxic!

ABBY: What makes you think I’m wearing any?

CAPTION: Uh-oh. Something is very wrong here.

Not as Dead

Not as Dead

We’re back!!!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Frank Frazetta in the story “A Love of My Own” in Personal Love #24, 1953. Published by Eastern Color. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.



↓ Transcript
SCENE: Two uniformed WAC nurses standing over Abby Amour why is lying prostrate on a hospital bed. Abby is staring upwards with glassy, unfocused eyes.

LOGO: The Loves of Abby Amour


NURSE: You did it! She’s comatose, but alive!

STANDING NURSE: I’ve never seen such masterful mouth-to-mouth and breast compressions!  

LEANING NURSE: If you come to my barracks later...

LEANING NURSE: ...I can give you lessons!

CAPTION: To be continued...


Holiday Cliffhanger

Holiday Cliffhanger

Yup. We’re taking a short break on the Abby Amour storyline. Why? Well, I want to spend the rest of the month doing holiday gags.

But Abby will be back Jan. 6. And, hopefully she’ll be a little less dead by then!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Frank Frazetta in the story “A Love of My Own” in Personal Love #24, 1953. Published by Eastern Color. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.


The Abby Amour miniseries runs every Friday. Dialogue by Tony IsabellaIf you’ve missed some episodes, no problem. You can catch them here:


↓ Transcript
CAPTION: Johnny Sacko finally gets Abby to the hospital, but...

NURSE LEANING: She’s critical! It isn’t just the food poisoning!

NURSE LEANING: She was exposed to that creep’s awful cologne!

NURSE STANDING: I’ve called in toxicology...

NURSE STANDING: ...but it may be too late!

CAPTION: Is this the end of Abby?

CAPTION: Spoiler: we still have lots of Frazetta art.

November 23, 2022

Hi, Tony. I love this gag. As for the spoiler, let me think about it. But so far I’m thinking it might work better--and thus be something we’ll use—if we make some very small modifications:

CAPTION: Is this the end of Abby?*

CAPTION: *Hint: We still have lots of Frazetta art. So...

CAPTION: Find out for sure when we return from our big, cliffhanger holiday break--Jan. 6!

1953 Art: Frank Frazetta Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella