A new Last Kiss by Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Mike Sekowsky from the story “I Need Your Love” in New Romances #16, June 1953. Published by Standard. The story begins on Page 27.
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↓ Transcript
SCENE: A smiling man dancing with a smiling woman as another smiling woman looks on.
MAN: What a trip! I never expected...
MAN: ...to have two girls tonight!
WOMAN: My sister and I share everything!
WOMAN: I promise you’ve never had...
WOMAN: ...a night like this!
CAPTION: True that. Because with Ron’s cash, credit cards...
CAPTION: ...clothes, car and kidneys...
CAPTION: ...this would be a most profitable night...
CAPTION: ...for the Bilger sisters!
1953 Art: Mike Sekowsky
Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
MAN: What a trip! I never expected...
MAN: ...to have two girls tonight!
WOMAN: My sister and I share everything!
WOMAN: I promise you’ve never had...
WOMAN: ...a night like this!
CAPTION: True that. Because with Ron’s cash, credit cards...
CAPTION: ...clothes, car and kidneys...
CAPTION: ...this would be a most profitable night...
CAPTION: ...for the Bilger sisters!
1953 Art: Mike Sekowsky
Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
“Oh Bob! Isn’t it fun tonight?…
…I never knew I could have so much fun while my panties were still on!”
…You must be having fun! This is the closest I’ve ever seen you to having a facial expression.”
…And the best part is that Supreme Leader says he has some special Kool-Aid for us after the dancing is over. Huzzah!”
…Tomorrow we may have to return to our hunt for those Vampire Lesbian Rodeo Clowns. But tonight, we have the Macarena!”
“Oh Bob! Isn’t it fun tonight?”
“Well, it’s not as painful as spending time with you normally is. So I guess that’s like fun.”
What the blonde in the left hand corner is thinking…
“Any moment now. Someone will notice that I am completely naked! They’ll turn around from the buffet table and drop their plate crammed with sausage rolls and shrimp puffs and shout loud enough to be heard over the music
” “Look! She’s butt naked!”
“And everyone will look over and see that, yes. I am absolutely, completely nude! And everyone will stare at me! And I’ll be the center of attention! Everyone will now that I exist!
“And it will all happen any second now. Because someone’s going to notice really really soon. I mean…it’s been a little while. But the DJ has been playing some really catchy toons. So I guess I can understand why it’s the 10th dance and no one has noticed I’m naked.
“I wish they’d hurry up. Cos it’s getting cold in here. And I’m getting tired of smiling so hard. But once they realize I’m naked…Oh Boy! Will that be worth the long, long wait.”
You’re right about that expression. Smug entitlement is his resting face. Probably a philosophy major in college.
He has a date Dave. He can’t a Philosophy Major if he’s on an actual date.
Ahh! Philosophy majors! I used to always enjoy beating on them!
I remember taking philosophy as one of my electives in college… best nap time I’ve ever had!
You could tell where I went to university was a college town, two of the biggest street gangs were the Nietzsches and the Kantians.
They would get together on the weekends and have an existentialist throwdown.
My economics professor told his students a great joke…”how do you make a philosophy major run as if his life depended on it? One word, “job!”
Heyyyyyyy, Macarena!!!
At least it wasn’t the lambada!!!
…anyone remember the lambada?
You just HAD to say it. Back to the Foreign Legion for me…
I just picked up on the fact you are having cataract surgeries John. Sorry. Work has been keeping me hopping. Will keep a candle lit for a successful outcome to both of them.
Candles? FIRE BAD!!!!
Thanks, Jams. The surgery on my right eye went really well—better than I even hoped. The surgery on my left is this coming Tuesday. Keeping my figures crossed–but not my eyes–that it goes well too!