Santa Won’t Toy with Her

Santa Won’t Toy with Her

Today’s comic features a gag by my friend Jennifer M. Contino. For many years, Jen was a comics journalist (Entertainment Weekly, Wizard, Sequential Tart and others.)

These days, she’s the self-pronounced “Queen of Christmas comics.” (Even Santa doesn’t have a Christmas comic book collection as big as hers!)

Tomorrow, we’ll have another Felina Vie Christmas comic written by me. And the following day (Saturday), Jen will be back with a new Christmas-themed Last Kiss gag.

Original Vintage Art & Text

Inked by Dick Giordano. From the story “My Foolish Heart” in First Kiss #21, July 1961. Charlton. The story begins on Page 26.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Santa and a red-headed woman are talking. Santa points his finger at her.

SANTA: My elves don’t make THOSE kind of toys!

WOMAN: Drat! Coal again!

1961 Inks: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman & Mike Pascale
Santa-fication Mike Pascale
Writer: Jennifer M. Contino