It’s a dream come true!
(Not your dream maybe, but certainly mine.)
Last Kiss is now available via Facebook.
Great comics! Amusing (often fact free) news! And fabulous, freaky fun. Plus, it’s guaranteed to be better than sex–since you don’t have to pay for it.
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Ich freue mich ganz dicke, dass die Comics auch auf deutsch uns ansprechen. Tausend Dank denen, die die Idee gehabt haben. Nun kann ich die Comics an meine nicht-englisch
sprechenden Lieben in Deutschland schicken kann.
Robert, I think you meant to post this on the blog item about the German Last Kiss site:
But if I understand you right–always iffy since I’m relying on the Internet for German-to-English translation–you’re enthusiastic about a German version of Last Kiss. If so–thanks. Me too!
John, this is just awesome!! I laughed myself sick looking through the PopArt Images… wonderful stuff!! Thanks for a great time and all the hard work that’s obvious here!