Lonely for the Navy

Artist unknown from "Navy Bride" in G.I WAR BRIDES #1, 1954.

Artist unknown from “Navy Bride” in G.I WAR BRIDES #1, 1954.

Loneliness is never an excuse. Being near sighted, though, and mistaking that other ship full of sailors for your hubby? Maybe!

Meanwhile, back in the present…
See the revamped version of this art and with new, funny dialogue in today’s Last Kiss Comic.

Dinner or…Delectable You?

Artist unknown from "Navy Bride" in G.I. War Brides #1, 1954.

Artist unknown from “Navy Bride” in G.I. War Brides #1, 1954.

So I’ve been at sea for 13 months (mostly without sex) and you think the first thing I want is dinner? Trust me, Sweetie, I haven’t been lying awake at nights dreaming of your cucumber salad.

Or even your meat loaf!

It’s you that I want. Delicious you!

Hmm. And, of course, a really good carrot cake—after (or even during) sex.

Meanwhile, back in the present…
See the revamped version of this art and with new, funny dialogue in today’s Last Kiss Comic.

Sailor Sex Beware

Sailor Sex Beware

Meanwhile, back in 1954…
See the original 1954 art and dialogue for today’s Last Kiss webcomic here.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Male sailor rushing towards young woman. They're both smiling and holding their arms out to embrace each other.

How Dare You Date

How Dare You Date

Art by Charles Nicholas & Jon D’Agostino from First Kiss #20, 1961.

This is one of several one-panel gags that I wrote for Northwest Press’s forthcoming anthology “Anything That Loves.”

The book is being funded by a Kickstarter campaign that’s going on through Monday Apr 29, 2013 12:00am EDT.

Editor Zan Christensen describes it as “a bold new comics anthology that explores and celebrates the complex world beyond the categories of ‘gay’ and ‘straight.’

“This will be, as far as I know, the first major comics anthology focusing on sexuality outside of “gay” and “straight”. (Bisexual! Pansexual! Omnisexual! Why-are-you-so-obsessed-with-labeling-me-sexual!)”

Contributors include Kevin Boze, Ellen Forney, Erika Moen, Randall Kirby, Roberta Gregory, Stasia Kato and many more.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A soldier talks angrily to a civilian man and woman.

SOLDIER: You’re dating? That does it! I’m breaking up with at least one of you!

Art: Charles Nicholas & Jon D’Agostino
Color: Allen Freeman
©2013 Last Kiss Inc

Dont Ask! Santa Knows!

Dont Ask! Santa Knows!

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Three men in a military-style barracks. There's a Christmas wreath on the wall above a bunk bed.

MAN #1: Santa’s new slogan? Don’t
ask! We’ll te11!

MAN #2: Have a fabulous Christmas!

Pencils: Dick Giordano Inks: Vince Alascia Color: Allen Freeman