Getting a…Broad?

Getting a…Broad?

No! I’m not seriously suggesting that anyone joins the military to get a guy (or a gal.) However, if you do end up with a guy (or a gal), then good for you.

(By the way, if you’re in the military you don’t need to cosplay. You’re already in a sexy costume.)

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “I Chose Heartbreak” in FIRST KISS #37, 1964.



SAILOR #1: I joined the Navy to get abroad!

SAILOR #2: A broad? I joined to get a guy!

1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira

DJP.lk390 FK37.1.1.2


↓ Transcript
SAILOR #1: I joined the Navy to get abroad!

SAILOR #2: A broad? I joined to get a guy!

1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira

DJP.lk390 FK37.1.1.2

I’ve Dated the Army, the Navy…

I’ve Dated the Army, the Navy…

Happy Veteran’s Day. And a heartfelt thanks to everyone who has served.

My thanks to my friend Donald Flowers who encouraged me to add some missing details to the U.S. Air Force uniform in today’s comic. And a special thank you to my pal Robert Zailo who added those details to the art. We’ll be seeing more of Robert’s work in the future.

Artist unknown. From the cover of Comic Media's ALL TRUE ROMANCE #2, 1951. Click image to enlarge.

Artist unknown. From the cover of Comic Media’s ALL TRUE ROMANCE #2, 1951. Click image to enlarge.


SCENE: Woman in camouflage outfit is in the arms of a male U.S. Air Force officer.

WOMAN: I’ve dated the Army, Navy and marines! So it’s your turn!

OFFICER: Thank you for your service!

1951 Artist Unknown Emblems: Robert W. Zailo Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman in camouflage outfit is in the arms of a male U.S. Air Force officer.

WOMAN: I’ve dated the Army, Navy and marines! So it’s your turn!

OFFICER: Thank you for your service!

1951 Artist Unknown Emblems: Robert W. Zailo Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira


A Memorial Day Surprise

A Memorial Day Surprise

Art by Jon D’Agostino from the cover of FIRST KISS #4, 1958.

Art by Jon D’Agostino from the cover of FIRST KISS #4, 1958.


SCENE: Woman crying behind a door as soldier leaves a taxi cab and is preparing to come inside.

WOMAN (thinking): He’s…alive?!! Oh, if only I’d known this before…I married at least three of his brothers!

Art: Jon D’Agostino Color: John Lustig


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman crying behind a door as soldier leaves a taxi cab and is preparing to come inside.

WOMAN (thinking): He’s…alive?!! Oh, if only I’d known this before...I married at least three of his brothers!

Art: Jon D’Agostino Color: John Lustig


How to Celebrate Veterans Day

How to Celebrate Veterans Day

Meanwhile, back in 1958…
See the original 1958 art and dialogue for today’s Last Kiss webcomic here.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A crying woman is waiting inside a home by a door as we see a male soldier (or some member of the military service) exits a cab or taxi.
WOMAN: At last I can unleash my weapons of...massive seduction!
Veteran's Day
Art: Jon D’Agostino Color: John Lustig
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