Hey, Sailor!

Hey, Sailor!

John Lustig at Comic-Con

I’m attending this week’s San Diego Comic-Con.

And my friend Spencer Brinkerhoff III has graciously offered me space at his Booth #5560. (It’s a corner booth right by the doors between F & G Hall on the first floor–near Artist Alley.)

I’m bringing some Last Kiss goodies as well as a few of the Last Kiss, Marvel & Disney comics I’ve written. But my main reason for being there is to meet readers and fans. So, please come by and say, “Howdy!”


Today’s comic is more Last Kiss fun from Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Mike Sekowsky from the story “I Need Your Love” in New Romances #16, June 1953.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on ComicBookPlus.com.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman standing next to each other.

WOMAN: You don’t need to feel ashamed for having erotic thoughts...about a cartoon character. Everyone has those sometimes.

WOMAN (thinking): Hmm...I wonder if he’d cosplay...Sailor Jupiter for me.

Silhouette of Sailor Jupiter is shown in the thought balloon.

1953 Art: Mike Sekowsky New Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella


Habit-Forming Fun

Habit-Forming Fun

A tale of nun-sense written by my pal Tony Isabella!

Adventures in A.I.

The vast majority of Last Kiss art is based on old panels of published comic book art. But over the last year I’ve been experimenting with A.I. art. And occasionally it’s found its way into Last Kiss.

This one started like this. Tony Isabella wrote to be with an idea: “John…I thought I would give you another A.I. challenge. The image should be of a deliriously happy man looking at his wife dressed as a sexy nun. The wife, not the guy.”

This turned out to be a surprisingly difficult challenge. A.I. content generator MidJourney wouldn’t accept any prompt with both the words “nun” and “sexy.” (Or any synonym for “sexy.”) It kept placing the nun and man inside a church. And the man? MidJourney kept dressing him as a priest. Clearly, this wouldn’t work with Tony’s gag.

It took many attempts and changes in prompt verbiage to come up with the art for today’s comic. (Instead of a priest, the man now looks more like James Bond.)

Anyway, I thought readers might enjoy seeing the a few of my initial attempts at the art:


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Inside a home. A man (dressed in a suit) is talking to a woman in a sexy nun's costume.

MAN: Gosh!

WOMAN: We’re playing “The Virginal Choir Boy and the Naughty Nun.” That’s why I’m wearing my bad habit. Your choir robe is in the bedroom.

CAPTION: Joe loved Cosplay Night!

Art: A.I. Magic Writer: Tony Isabella


Cosplay Voting?

Cosplay Voting?

No kidding. Please vote!




SCENE: Woman in a sexy barbarian costume is holding a giant, cartoonish axe.

BARBARIAN WOMAN: Axe not what your country can do for you. Axe what you can do for your country.*

CAPTION: Don’t be a barbarian. Vote!

CAPTION: *With apologies to John F. Kennedy

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman in a sexy barbarian costume is holding a giant, cartoonish axe.

BARBARIAN WOMAN: Axe not what your country can do for you. Axe what you can do for your country.*

CAPTION: Don’t be a barbarian. Vote!

CAPTION: *With apologies to John F. Kennedy

Photo: Bryan Turner Dialogue: John Lustig


Bullseye Sex

Bullseye Sex

A new tale of comic lust from Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Art Cappello from Secret Romance #21, Oct. 1972. Charlton Comics. (No link this time. I can’t find a copy of the comic online.)









SCENE: A man dressed as Green Arrow (or Robin Hood) and a woman dressed up as Black Canary are kissing.

GREEN ARROW: Oh, Bleak Canary, why is your kiss so cold?

BLACK CANARY: Oh, Lean Arrow, it’s because your shaft…always reaches its target…before I do!

1972 Art: Art Cappello Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella


↓ Transcript
SCENE: A man dressed as Green Arrow (or Robin Hood) and a woman dressed up as Black Canary are kissing.

GREEN ARROW: Oh, Bleak Canary, why is your kiss so cold?

BLACK CANARY: Oh, Lean Arrow, it’s because your shaft...always reaches its target...before I do!

1972 Art: Art Cappello Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella


Worship Me

Worship Me

Art by L.B. Cole from the cover of Terrors of the Jungle #9, June 1954.



WOMAN IN TIGER-STRIPED JUNGLE GODDESS COSTUME: Beware, puny men! Today I’m a jungle goddess! But tonight…a sex goddess!

1954 Art: L.B. Cole          Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira

Art by L.B. Cole from the cover of Terrors of the Jungle #9, June 1954.

Art Code: DJP.lk323

John Lustig’s Last Kiss
©2018 Last Kiss Inc


↓ Transcript

WOMAN IN TIGER-STRIPED JUNGLE GODDESS COSTUME: Beware, puny men! Today I'm a jungle goddess! But tonight...a sex goddess!

1954 Art: L.B. Cole Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira

Art Code: DJP.lk323

John Lustig’s Last Kiss
©2018 Last Kiss Inc