She Always Lands on Her Feet

She Always Lands on Her Feet

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Woman in a sexy cat costume: I'm a single, childless cat woman. You have a problem with that?
Art: Purrfect AI Cat Herder: John Lustig


How to Have a Happy International Cat Day

How to Have a Happy International Cat Day

My thanks to my pal Jennifer M. Contino for the gag. And–although I messed up and didn’t get it into the credits elsewhere–obviously Diego drew a new cat for the Last Kiss version of the panel. Thanks, Diego.

Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown. From the story “Chip on Her Shoulder” in Ten-Story Love #196, 1954.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on

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Cat Napped

Cat Napped

Today’s Last Kiss is a bit of an outlier because it has no beautiful women. (Or men.) And no sexual innuendos.

True, our star character has bedroom eyes. But…so what? He’s a cat!

What makes this one special to me is that he’s our next-door neighbors’ cat, Rigby. And he usually comes over at least once a day to visit us. Sometimes for two minutes. Sometimes for two hours. We are helpless people putty in his adorable paws,

And now he’s convinced me to make him a webcomic star. Honestly, this cat has no shame!

–John Lustig, Rigby’s pawn.

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SCENE: Rigby the cat is barely awake as he lies on a human bed.

RIGBY: I’m so excited to see you! I almost can’t sleep!

Rigby the cat appears courtesy of his servants Paul Roos & Crispina Foss Roos
Photo & Feline Fantasticality: John Lustig


Celebrating the Day After…

Celebrating the Day After…

Happy Boxing Day! Or–if you’re a kitten–Unboxing Day!

“Twas the night after Christmas and all through the house,

a creature was stirring. And it sure wasn’t a mouse!

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SCENE: A photo of a happy kitten covered and surrounded by ribbons. We can see branches of a Christmas tree on our left.

KITTEN: Can we do Christmas again? I love it!

Raw Image: A.I. Magic Translated from Feline by: John Lustig


Why Cats Don’t Rule the World–Yet

Why Cats Don’t Rule the World–Yet

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feline frustration!
The real reason your cat knocks your stuff onto the floor!
Photo: Scopio’s Creative Lab Eveything Else: John Lustig