Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta in the story “Lucky Liz” from FIRST KISS #9, 1959. (Sorry. the full comic isn’t online. So I can’t link to it.)
This original art always makes me do a double take. Why is there a tree floating in the clouds?
SCENE: Man and woman talking.
WOMAN: That was an orgasm? Who had it–you or me?
1959 Art: Vince Colletta Figure Color: Allen Freeman Dialogue: John Lustig
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman talking.
WOMAN: That was an orgasm? Who had it--you or me?
1959 Art: Vince Colletta Figure Color: Allen Freeman Dialogue: John Lustig
WOMAN: That was an orgasm? Who had it--you or me?
1959 Art: Vince Colletta Figure Color: Allen Freeman Dialogue: John Lustig
To paraphrase someone:
I don’t know how to define orgasm, but I know one when I see it.
(Unless they’re faking)
The man in the original art work’s background – his skull seems not to be lined up with his spine. Maybe he was flying the tree, crashed it and has come seeking medical assistance?
In the running for the world’s most sexist joke:
Why do men achieve orgasm before women?
Who cares.
Evolution. Men who finish after the woman loses interest tend not to have children.
What seems stranger to me than the tree in the clouds is the guy in the doorway. Does his neck seem…odd? Sort of ostrich like? And the look on his face. It’s like he’s thinking “I’ll make the two of them fight to the death and then eat the winner.”
You’re not the first reader to react that way to that guy in the background (who’s a farmer and the woman’s farmer.) But you’re the first to make me laugh out loud. Great line: “I’ll make the two of them fight to the death and then eat the winner.”
“It…. comes and goes.”
That was an orgasm? Who had it, you or me?
Neither one of you… It was me. It was just powerful enough to rock Both of your worlds.
Are you laying claim (and responsibility?) for all orgasms or just this one?
LOL! The way things are going lately, I’m claiming as many as I can get!
That isn’t a tree floating above the clouds, it’s a tree on a hill covered with snow.