More fun from Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Jill Elgin in the Girl Commandos in Speed Comics #29, Nov. 1943. Published by Harvey Comics.
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SCENE: Four women lying in beds next to each other--like a barracks. There is a foul, poisonous could have stench coming from one sleeping woman's bed.
AWAKE WOMAN NEXT TO STINKY WOMAN: Eww! If Merriam doesn’t cut way back on the spicy burritos......she’s gonna need to get her own tent!
1943 Art: Jill Elgin Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
AWAKE WOMAN NEXT TO STINKY WOMAN: Eww! If Merriam doesn’t cut way back on the spicy burritos......she’s gonna need to get her own tent!
1943 Art: Jill Elgin Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
And so the weary girl commandos drift into slumber–all except…
…The one the fat one is laying on. That girl commando is screaming in pain. So very, very loudly.
…Erma, who will take this opportunity to change into her costume and become…Night Beaver! Staunch foe to Evil Wood! Wherever it may grow!
…The one who just realized that she completely misunderstood when she was told that, for the whole weekend, they would all be going commando.
…Bernadine, who thought this weekend was going to be a sausage fest. But instead found out it’s a fish market.
…Rosaline, who’s already dug four graves in the forest, and just needs the others to fall into a deep, deep sleep.
…Lucy, who just can’t seem to forget you, cos your Wind Song stays on her mind.
…the one laying next to Stacy, who keeps singing that damn Cardi B song for some…wait. Why is it so damp in here all of a sudden?
…Babette, who hasn’t told the other girls about the well built, axe toting lumber jack wearing the hockey mask who was spying on them earlier. Cos she wants that stud aaallll to herself.
…Phyllis, who has come to the sudden realization that leaves picked off random plants might not have been the best solution to that whole “we’re out of toilet paper” situation after all.
…Danny Masterson, who’s pretty sure that his presence in this room at this very moment is a violation of his probation in some way, shape, or form.
Jams, I think Night Beaver should have her own comic book series!
“Night Beaver” was a song by the Bee Gees, wasn’t it?
And a movie! “Saturday Night Beaver”
This is what I envision when I think “girl commando”:
Dave, just about any scenario that involves thinking of Lucy Lawless is a great idea as far as I’m concerned.
And… In honor of Pride Month…
Because it’s important to protect two glands, while leaving your belly vulnerable to stab and slice wounds…
Are those women jock straps laying on that box?
An interesting idea, Calvins, but those are actually the Girl Commandos’ gun belts. See the image I just posted above the comments.
They didn’t post a sentry? I was in the Navy and I know that!!
Gotta repeat myself…. Chicks, man!!
One of my nieces frequent poems growing up (ages 4 to 8):
Taco’s, Burrito’s, there’s something in your Speedo’s.
Taco’s, Burrito’s, it’s leaking out your Speedo’s.
Taco’s, BUrrito’s, top ’em off with Fritos.
She loved her alliteration. I’m now teaching these lines to her daughter.