Thanksgiving for Adults
Happy Thanksgiving!
Original Vintage Art & Text
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SCENE: A man and woman having dinner together.
CAPTION: Thanksgiving dinner with family...and friends!
WOMAN: I’m thankful for many things, but…mostly for you Mr. Sexy!
MAN (thinking): Hot dog! This is so much better than sitting at the kid’s table!
1952 Art: Alice Kirkpatrick Restoration: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Already Stuffed: John Lustig
CAPTION: Thanksgiving dinner with family...and friends!
WOMAN: I’m thankful for many things, but…mostly for you Mr. Sexy!
MAN (thinking): Hot dog! This is so much better than sitting at the kid’s table!
1952 Art: Alice Kirkpatrick Restoration: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Already Stuffed: John Lustig