Comic Lovers
Most of the Last Kisses from my early days at Comics Buyer’s Guide are in black and white. But I did colorize the art sometimes if I used it later on the web. In the early years of the series, I always colored them myself—as I did here.
I think this one turned out okay. But I was rarely completely happy with my own coloring. And it always took me way too long as I’d often experiment and swap out colors over and over again trying to get something I liked.
I got better over the years. But eventually, I hired more experienced colorists—real artists!—such as Allen Freeman, Diego Jourdan and others. I liked their coloring more—and everyone of them could do the job much, much faster than me!
CAPTION: Far too often we take them for granted! Our significant others! Our partners for life (we hope) in the trenches of domestic bliss! They put up with our minor peccadilloes…and sometimes even our more outlandish desires!
PANEL 1: Woman and man are inside a home, talking.
MAN: Good news, Darlin’! The comic shop is having a sale! Grab your credit cards and let’s go buy me some four-color masterpieces!
WOMAN: I’m sorry, hon, but…I can’t afford it!
PANEL 2: The couple are still talking. In the foreground are a bunch of books.
MAN: Don’t be silly! Big Al is waiting to take your money! Do you want to break his heart?
WOMAN: Well, I guess I could sell another pint down at the blood bank!
CAPTION: Make it a quart! I need some graphic novels!
Art by Vince Colletta Studio Color by John Lustig
©2002 & 2019 Last Kiss Inc
Art Code:
PANEL 1: Woman and man are inside a home, talking.
MAN: Good news, Darlin'! The comic shop is having a sale! Grab your credit cards and let’s go buy me some four-color masterpieces!
WOMAN: I’m sorry, hon, but…I can’t afford it!
PANEL 2: The couple are still talking. In the foreground are a bunch of books.
MAN: Don’t be silly! Big Al is waiting to take your money! Do you want to break his heart?
WOMAN: Well, I guess I could sell another pint down at the blood bank!
CAPTION: Make it a quart! I need some graphic novels!
Art by Vince Colletta Studio Color by John Lustig
©2002 & 2019 Last Kiss Inc
Art Code: