by John | Feb 28, 2019 | Uncategorized

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Forced Meeting” in First Kiss #6, Nov. 1958.
WOMAN: Do you have an unwanted lover…taking up space? Gathering dust? Wearing your underwear?
Wanna dump the loser, but hate to clog up a landfill?
What to do?
Why not donate your has-been heartthrob to…Recycled Romeos?
We’ll ship your ex to a third-world nation where he’ll make a desperate woman happy…for awhile!
Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Art Code:
↓ TranscriptWOMAN: Do you have an unwanted lover...taking up space? Gathering dust? Wearing your underwear?
Wanna dump the loser, but hate to clog up a landfill?
What to do?
Why not
donate your
has-been heartthrob to...Recycled Romeos?
We’ll ship your ex to a third-world nation where he’ll make a desperate woman happy...for awhile!
Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Art Code:
by John | Feb 26, 2019 | Uncategorized

Art by Bill Ward from “Torchy” story in Modern Comics #80, Dec. 1948.
WOMAN SITTING, ADMIRING HERSELF IN A MIRROR: If only I could meet someone as wonderful… as me!
1948 Art: Bill Ward Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Art Code: DJP.lk510 Modern Comics_Torchy 80.2.1
↓ TranscriptWOMAN SITTING, ADMIRING HERSELF IN A MIRROR: If only I could meet someone as wonderful... as me!
1948 Art: Bill Ward Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Art Code: DJP.lk510 Modern Comics_Torchy 80.2.1
by John | Feb 24, 2019 | Uncategorized

Art by Alex Toth from the story “I Want Him Back” Intimate Love #22, May 1953.
YOUNG WOMAN HOLDING BOOKS: I’m only getting a C-minus in Sex Ed? But I’m pregnant! Shouldn’t that count for extra credit?
1953 Art: Alex Toth Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Art Code: DJP.lk491 Intimate-Love-
↓ TranscriptYOUNG WOMAN HOLDING BOOKS: I’m only getting a C-minus in Sex Ed? But I’m pregnant! Shouldn’t that count for extra credit?
1953 Art: Alex Toth Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Art Code: DJP.lk491 Intimate-Love-
by John | Feb 21, 2019 | Uncategorized

Art unattributed but probably by Vince Colletta. From the story “You Can Never Tell” in First Kiss #10, Sept. 1959. Click image to see much larger version.
CAPTION: “I was the most wonderful wife any man’s ever had…for the first 30 minutes of our honeymoon! But then the truth struck me hard…right between my perfectly plucked eyebrows! This marriage was a mistake!”
SCENE: Man and woman standing on a dock by a body of water.
MAN: It’s not my fault, Selina! The sex manual was upside down! I’m almost sure of it!
WOMAN: it’s no use,
MAN: As a lover, you’re a complete pussy! And not the good kind…with hair balls!
CAPTION: “Poor Bruce! He tried to stop me! But surely he’ll forgive me someday…if he ever manages to untie himself! I packed–praying my true love would still be at home in our bed…licking himself!”
PANEL 2, SCENE: Woman in a room crying.
WOMAN: Puddles Be brave! Mummy’s flying home! And I’m bringing a suitcase full of catnip!
CAPTION: Next week: “The Litter Box of Doom!”
CAPTION: 1959 Art: Vince Colletta? Color: John Lustig ©2019 Last Kiss Inc
CAPTION: The Woman Who Loved Cats…Too Much!
Art Code: Art Code: FK10 1.2A &
↓ TranscriptCAPTION: “I was the most wonderful wife any man’s ever had...for the first 30 minutes of our honeymoon! But then the truth struck me hard...right between my perfectly plucked eyebrows! This marriage was a mistake!"
SCENE: Man and woman standing on a dock by a body of water.
MAN: It's not my fault, Selina! The sex manual was upside down! I'm almost sure of it!
WOMAN: it's no use,
MAN: As a lover, you’re a complete pussy! And not the good kind...with hair balls!
CAPTION: “Poor Bruce! He tried to stop me! But surely he'll forgive me someday...if he ever manages to untie himself! I packed--praying my true love would still be at home in our bed...licking himself!”
PANEL 2, SCENE: Woman in a room crying.
WOMAN: Puddles Be brave! Mummy’s flying home! And I'm bringing a suitcase full of catnip!
CAPTION: Next week: "The Litter Box of Doom!"
CAPTION: 1959 Art: Vince Colletta? Color: John Lustig ©2019 Last Kiss Inc
CAPTION: The Woman Who Loved Cats...Too Much!
Art Code: FK10 1.2A &
by John | Feb 19, 2019 | Uncategorized

Art by Matt Baker from the cover of TEEN-AGE ROMANCES #12, 1950.
WOMAN SCIENTIST LOOKING UP FROM A MICROSCOPE: The test results? The rabbit died! And so will you…if you don’t marry me…soon!
1950 Art: Matt Baker Re-Creation: Kirsten Wilson
Art Code: KW.lk20
↓ TranscriptWOMAN SCIENTIST LOOKING UP FROM A MICROSCOPE: The test results? The rabbit died! And so will you...if you don’t marry me...soon!
1950 Art: Matt Baker Re-Creation: Kirsten Wilson
Art Code: KW.lk20