Hot Dog Surprise
I’ve done this joke before, but I wasn’t really happy with it. Back then I used a cropped version of the first panel of art below. But I thought the art was too cluttered, not terribly attractive and that it distracted from the joke.
So, this time, I put together two panels of art—adding in the art below. It is, I think, a great reaction shot and really helps sell the gag!
SCENE: Two young guys. One is about to eat a hot dog and has it in his mouth. The other guy reacts startled.
GUY WITH HOT DOG: Phallic symbol? What’s that?
Vintage Art: Dick Giordano, Vince Alascia & Vince Colletta Studio
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Two young guys. One is about to eat a hot dog and has it in his mouth. The other guy reacts startled.
GUY WITH HOT DOG: Phallic symbol? What’s that?
Vintage Art: Dick Giordano, Vince Alascia & Vince Colletta Studio
GUY WITH HOT DOG: Phallic symbol? What’s that?
Vintage Art: Dick Giordano, Vince Alascia & Vince Colletta Studio