by John | Apr 28, 2016 | Uncategorized

Art by Dick Giordano from the story “Fooling with Love” in FIRST KISS #7, 1959.
SCENE: Woman kissing cheek of skeptical man.
MAN: Are you a woman who crushes a man’s heart and then laughs?
WOMAN: Let’s find out!
1959 Art: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman & John Lustig
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman kissing cheek of skeptical man.
MAN: Are you a woman who crushes a man’s heart and then laughs?
WOMAN: Let’s find out!
1959 Art: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman & John Lustig
by John | Apr 26, 2016 | Uncategorized

Art by Chasal (Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani) from the story “My Silent Love” in FIRST KISS #21, 1961. Click image to enlarge.
WOMAN AUTHOR: I’m researching some sex scenes!
MAN: Romance writers…gotta love ‘em!
SIGN (in store window): Embrace your passion! Read in bed!
Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Color: Allen Freeman
↓ TranscriptWOMAN AUTHOR: I’m researching some sex scenes!
MAN: Romance writers…gotta love ‘em!
SIGN (in store window): Embrace your passion! Read in bed!
Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Color: Allen Freeman
by John | Apr 24, 2016 | Uncategorized
I wasn’t consciously thinking of Kurt Vonnegut’s story “Who Am I This Time?” when I wrote this comic. But afterwards, I realized I was doubtlessly inspired by the 1982-televised play starring Susan Sarandon and Christopher Walken.
I remember being touched (Yes, I’m a softie!) by this story about a hardware clerk (Walken) who’s a powerhouse lover when he’s onstage with his leading lady (Sarandon), but is so shy that he can barely talk to her offstage. It says a lot about the power of theater (and the Arts) to help us be whom we want to be. And it’s romantic as a $5-Valentine—but funnier and less corny.

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Party Girl” in FIRST KISS #4, 1958.
SCENE: Woman changing her clothes.
WOMAN: Who’ll I be this time? Good girl? Or Wild Woman? You decide!
1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Figure Color: Allen Freeman
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman changing her clothes.
WOMAN: Who’ll I be this time? Good girl? Or Wild Woman? You decide!
1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Figure Color: Allen Freeman
by John | Apr 21, 2016 | Uncategorized

Foreground art by Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia from the story “Lee Dalton’s Guidebook: Movie Date’” in FIRST KISS #2, 1958.
WOMAN (holding sheets of paper): This just in! Time travel works…in the future!
Art: Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia Color: Allen Freeman
↓ TranscriptWOMAN (holding sheets of paper): This just in! Time travel works…in the future!
Art: Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia Color: Allen Freeman
by John | Apr 19, 2016 | Uncategorized

Pencils by Dick Giordano with inks by either Giordano or Vince Colletta. From the story “Letter from Long Ago” in FIRST KISS #6, 1958.
WOMAN: I always give men a choice! Me…or happiness?
1958 Inks: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman
↓ TranscriptWOMAN: I always give men a choice! Me…or happiness?
1958 Inks: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman