Today’s Last Kiss is the first of seven photo comics that I’ll be showcasing over the next few weeks. (Wednesdays and some Sundays.)
All feature the lovely and incredibly industrious Brieanna Brock—cosplay model extraordinaire, actress, fashion designer, emcee, writer and—for all I know—future president of the world.
My one and only meeting with Brie came a couple of years ago at a San Diego comic con when we were both doing appearances at the World’s Famous Comics booth.
I was there signing comics and Brie was there modeling—the living embodiment of a painting by WFC’s owner/artist Justin Chung.
Now, Brie does a lot of cosplay at conventions and comic stores. I mean—a lot. So she has ton of photos of herself posing as different super heroines and pop culture characters.
And it suddenly hit me—if I added dialog to those photos, it’d be just like what I do with old comic art.
So I asked myself, wouldn’t that be fun? And I answered myself—you betcha!

Brieanna Brock shows off her comic-inspired fashion designs featured in Xtreme Magazine at the magazine’s recent launch party.
Unfortunately, it took me this long to get around to the project. If Brie had been in charge, it probably would’ve been done the next week.
She is one busy lady!
In addition to all her modeling, she is currently…
—writing and self-publishing her comic “7Ven Sisters” (debuting at the 2013 Phoenix Con.)
— starring in two independent films.
— CEO of All Knights Studioz which works alongside with other groups to put together charity couture fashion shows featuring live entertainers; makeup and hair stylists; body painters; photographers; designers; and models.
Oooh, very good Mr. Lustig, very good!!!!
If you have one of her as Moon Maid my life will be complete.