Foreign Food Manners

Foreign Food Manners

Other fun customs from around the world…

—In Upper Crustovia it’s considered bad manners to spit in someone’s drink — while they’re looking.

—In Lower Crustovia it’s considered bad manners to knife someone in the back while they’re spitting in someone’s drink — unless it’s your drink.

—In Still Lower Crustovia it’s considered bad manners to not compliment someone on their knife wounds.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A man and three women are sitting around a dinner table.

SOUND (very loud): F-A-A-A-A-R-T

MAN: …and in my country that’s how we compliment the cook!

CREDITS: Art by Vince Colletta Studio, Color by Allen Freeman

Being Fabulous

Being Fabulous

Yes! It’s okay to feel fabulous–even if you’re straight!

(I wrote and scheduled this comic weeks ago. I didn’t know it’d come out right after California’s Proposition 8 was overturned. Darn, I’m good!)

↓ Transcript
MAN: No! Being fabulous doesn’t mean I’m gay! Sleeping with your dad means I’m gay!

Nature Abhors My Cat…Vacuuming

Nature Abhors My Cat…Vacuuming

I do most of the vacuuming in our household. And I wouldn’t mind, but the person who creates most of the mess never helps out. She just lies there, licking her paws,  and shedding fur at a world record rate.

It’s everywhere. On the couch, in our bed…in my toothpaste. I’m breathing it right now. You probably are too. (No doubt my computer fan is sucking it up and distributing it over the Internet.)

I’ve been trying to teach Cous Cous to clean up. But she runs and hides every time I bring out the vacuum. She pretends to be afraid, but…the truth? She’s lazy. And selfish!!

Like most cats, she’ll clean herself. But never the house!

What me? Vacuum?

The Trouble With Men

The Trouble With Men

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Closeup of a woman crying.

WOMAN: Men always seem perfect ‘til you get to know them...and sleep with their friends!