Riding the Rails…
Other possible destinations: True Love; Eternal Happiness; Instant Fame; and Last Kiss’ version of Germany!
CONDUCTOR: Getting off at Wild Sex?
WOMAN: Doesn’t everyone?
Other possible destinations: True Love; Eternal Happiness; Instant Fame; and Last Kiss’ version of Germany!
Of course, everyone must have their own version of this “If life’s a journey” theme. After extensive thought (for almost 10 seconds) here’s mine:
If life’s a journey, I want to travel first class with a plane full of comic cheerleaders. (Instead of cheering for sports teams, they’d cheer for comic creators.) Their hobbies would include giving massages, jumping jacks and chess.
What’s your version of “If life’s a journey?”
Post your ideas here in the comments section below this comic. Have fun, but keep your remarks relatively clean–PG13 or at least a soft R-rated–because…hey, you never know. Your mom might read this.