Taking the Lust Train

Taking the Lust Train

A new tale of lust from Tony Isabella & Allen Freeman! (What happens in train tunnels stays in train tunnels.)

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta from the story “Lucky Liz” in First Kiss #9, 1959. (Sorry. No link this time. First Kiss #9 is not online.)




SCENE: Man and woman sitting on a train.

WOMAN: You’re quite the tender morsel, Mr. Strubb. Let’s take this to my private sleeping car.

MAN: Swell! I claim dibs on the bottom bunk!

WOMAN: Exactly my intention, dear boy.

1959 Art: Vince Colletta
Color: Allen Freeman
Writer: Tony Isabella

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman sitting on a train.

WOMAN: You’re quite the tender morsel, Mr. Strubb. Let’s take this to my private sleeping car.

MAN: Swell! I claim dibs on the bottom bunk!

WOMAN: Exactly my intention, dear boy.

1959 Art: Vince Colletta
Color: Allen Freeman
Writer: Tony Isabella

Skunked by the La Pews

Skunked by the La Pews

Wet Kisses & dry humor courtesy of Tony Isabella.

Just a quick reminder that you can still vote for Last Kiss model Felina Vie in Inked Magazine’s cover girl contest. (You’ll need a Facebook account to sign in to vote.) You can vote for free once every 24 hours. Thanks!

Vintage, Published Art & Dialogue

Art by Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani from the story “One Stolen Kiss” in First Kiss #1, Dec. 1957.



SCENE: Man in a beret kissing a woman’s hand. In the background an older man (also in a beret) smiles at the couple.

CAPTION: Summer’s dream vacation in Paris had turned into a Covid-19 nightmare.

CAPTION: Why oh why had she agreed to an evening out…

CAPTION: …with the La Pew brothers?

1957 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man in a beret kissing a woman's hand. In the background an older man (also in a beret) smiles at the couple.

CAPTION: Summer’s dream vacation in Paris had turned into a Covid-19 nightmare.

CAPTION: Why oh why had she agreed to an evening out...

CAPTION: ...with the La Pew brothers?

1957 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella


Whistle? Stop!

Whistle? Stop!

Today's Last Kiss comic

Like a runaway train headed for a cream pie factory, it’s humor from guest writer Tony Isabella!

Vintage art & text.

Art by Art Saaf & Mike Peppe from the story “Kiss and Run” in NEW ROMANCES #14, 1952.




SCENE: A woman and a man embrace on a train station platform. There’s a train nearby in the background.

WOMAN: Oh, Billy, traveling cross country by train is so much fun! I made so many friends along the way! The engineer even let me pull his whistle!

MAN (thinks): Ulp! I hope that’s not a euphemism!

1952 Art: Art Saaf & Mike Peppe Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Guest Conductor: Tony Isabella





↓ Transcript
SCENE: A woman and a man embrace on a train station platform. There's a train nearby in the background.

WOMAN: Oh, Billy, traveling cross country by train is so much fun! I made so many friends along the way! The engineer even let me pull his whistle!

MAN (thinks): Ulp! I hope that’s not a euphemism!

1952 Art: Art Saaf & Mike Peppe Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Guest Conductor: Tony Isabella
