A new tale of lust from Tony Isabella & Allen Freeman! (What happens in train tunnels stays in train tunnels.)
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta from the story “Lucky Liz” in First Kiss #9, 1959. (Sorry. No link this time. First Kiss #9 is not online.)
SCENE: Man and woman sitting on a train.
WOMAN: You’re quite the tender morsel, Mr. Strubb. Let’s take this to my private sleeping car.
MAN: Swell! I claim dibs on the bottom bunk!
WOMAN: Exactly my intention, dear boy.
1959 Art: Vince Colletta
Color: Allen Freeman
Writer: Tony Isabella
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman sitting on a train.
WOMAN: You’re quite the tender morsel, Mr. Strubb. Let’s take this to my private sleeping car.
MAN: Swell! I claim dibs on the bottom bunk!
WOMAN: Exactly my intention, dear boy.
1959 Art: Vince Colletta
Color: Allen Freeman
Writer: Tony Isabella
WOMAN: You’re quite the tender morsel, Mr. Strubb. Let’s take this to my private sleeping car.
MAN: Swell! I claim dibs on the bottom bunk!
WOMAN: Exactly my intention, dear boy.
1959 Art: Vince Colletta
Color: Allen Freeman
Writer: Tony Isabella
“You don’t have any right to interfere, Josh Carrol! And don’t call me honey! My name is Vixen Thighspread! And don’t you forget it!”
Josh: “Wait! I didn’t call you “honey”. I called you “homely”. Get it right.”
Josh: “You know…I’m starting to think you don’t want to have sex with me…”
Josh: “Well somebody had two scoops of uptight in their breakfast cereal this morning.”
“You don’t have any right to interfere, Josh Carrol! And don’t call me honey! I am going to sleep with that conductor! He looks like he’s smuggling a twelve foot garden hose in his pants!”
“You can’t just walk up to a strange man and expect him to have sex with you!”
“I don’t know what planet the train you’re riding is on, but the planet my train is on…yeah. You can.”
“He probably doesn’t even want you!”
“He was looking right at me when he called out “All Aboard”! Trust me. That conductor wants to chugga chugga my choo choo.”
“But it’s our honeymoon!”
“But he’s hot and hung and you’re not either of those things! Now just sit here and stare out the window. Say ‘Moo’ whenever you see a cow. It’ll be fun. I’ll be back when I’m willing to settle.”
Great stuff, Jams. In fact, I might want to “borrow” one or more of these sometime for a future Last Kiss—if I can find the right art or wait long enough so I can re-use this art again. I’d credit you of course. Okay?
It’d be an honor. Feel free to use. Thanks John.
Hey, hey, hey, not so fast!!!
My client, Mr. Jams, will be needing some financial compensation.
Lots and LOTS of it, actually.
With me as his representative, he may actually receive some of it himself!
Hey, Rex, I know you’re kidding. But—if I could—I’d shower Jams in diamonds and doubloons. I love his humor.
I do think, if I start converting his quips into full-blown Last Kiss comics on a frequent basis, that Jams should be rewarded in a more tangible fashion than mere praise. Let’s see what happens!
Wait, how is this suddenly about not me? Where’s MY reward?