by John | May 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
Happy Tax Day!

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “The Love Thief” in FIRST KISS #37, 1964.
SCENE: Woman looking in mirror as she brushes her hair.
WOMAN: Mirror, Mirror on the wall! Which boy will do my taxes…when I call?
1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio
Color: Allen Freeman
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman looking in mirror as she brushes her hair.
WOMAN: Mirror, Mirror on the wall! Which boy will do my taxes...when I call?
1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio
Color: Allen Freeman
by John | May 13, 2021 | Uncategorized
What?!! Still working on your taxes? Then my pal Mike Pascale and I can predict your future.
For the next few days, you’re going to be like a sailor carrying an anchor in the desert. You’ll spend every minute cursing—complaining that life makes no sense. You may even tear your hair out in frustration.
Don’t have enough hair left to tear out? Tear someone else’s hair out. (However—and this is extremely important—it’s always polite to ask for permission first.)
Sorry. No original art this time. Our crystal ball doesn’t know what happened.
SCENE: Woman holds a fortune telling-type crystal ball while talking to a man.
WOMAN: Beware
the Ides of May! Your taxes you must pay!
MAN: The ides? That’s
May 15! But the IRS says taxes aren’t due ‘til May 17.
SIGN HANGING ON A WALL IN THE BACKGROUND: Fortunes & Accounting. Madame Fortuna.
WOMAN: Madame Fortuna doesn’t care about the time! Only the rhyme!
1934 Artist Unknown Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Taxing Humor & Poetic Predictions: Mike Pascale
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman holds a fortune telling-type crystal ball while talking to a man.
WOMAN: Beware
the Ides of May! Your taxes you must pay!
MAN: The ides? That’s
May 15! But the IRS says taxes aren’t due ‘til May 17.
SIGN HANGING ON A WALL IN THE BACKGROUND: Fortunes & Accounting. Madame Fortuna.
WOMAN: Madame Fortuna doesn’t care about the time! Only the rhyme!
1934 Artist Unknown Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Taxing Humor & Poetic Predictions: Mike Pascale
by John | Jul 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
A tax gag in July? Yup! Because of the coronavirus, the IRS changed it’s deadlines this year from the usual April 15. Instead the deadline is July 15. Yikes!

Art by Vince Colletta Studio in the story “Made for Romance” in FIRST KISS #4, 1958.
WOMAN AT A DESK TO MAN: I’m sorry, sir, but the IRS does not accept souls for payment…yet!
Art by Vince Colletta Studio in the story “Made for Romance” in FIRST KISS #4, 1958.
↓ TranscriptWOMAN AT A DESK TO MAN: I'm sorry, sir, but the IRS does not accept souls for payment...yet!
Art by Vince Colletta Studio in the story "Made for Romance" in FIRST KISS #4, 1958.
by John | Apr 14, 2019 | Uncategorized

Art by Vince Colletta Studio in the story “Made for Romance” in FIRST KISS #4, 1958.
WOMAN: I’m sorry, sir, but The i.R.S. does not accept souls for payment…yet!
1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Art Code:
↓ TranscriptWOMAN: I’m sorry, sir, but The i.R.S. does not accept souls for payment...yet!
1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Art Code:
Art by Vince Colletta Studio in the story "Made for Romance" in FIRST KISS #4, 1958.
by John | Apr 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
Many thanks (but none of my tax dollars) to Mike Pascale for the gag and the terrific Uncle Sam art.

Pencils by Dick Giordano (with inks by either Giordano or Vince Colletta) from the story “Letter from Long Ago” in FIRST KISS #6, 1958.
UNCLE SAM: What do you think about my new tax package?
WOMAN: I want less tax and more “package!”
1958 Pencils: Dick Giordano Inks: Giordano or Vince Colletta
Patriotic Imagery & Wicked Wit: Mike Pascale
↓ TranscriptUNCLE SAM: What do you think about my new tax package?
WOMAN: I want less tax and more “package!”
1958 Pencils: Dick Giordano Inks: Giordano or Vince Colletta
Patriotic Imagery & Wicked Wit: Mike Pascale
Pencils by Dick Giordano (with inks by either Giordano or Vince Colletta) from the story "Letter from Long Ago" in FIRST KISS #6, 1958.