No More Frittering

No More Frittering

Yes, I Twitter a bit (under the name “Last_Kiss”) and I’m on Facebook too (“John Lustig”), but I confess that I still fritter. In fact, I’m frittering right now. Fritter. Fritter. Fritter.

I’m sending this out early because I won’t have time to fritter later. For Shelagh’s birthday (July 29), I bought tickets to attend a question and answer session with Carol Burnett. Ms. Burnett is in town tonight and if anyone can turn a question and answer session into an entire performance, it’s her. Now if I could only think of something really juicy to ask her.

Hmm…maybe if I watch some of her old clips on YouTube I’ll think of something.

Fritter. Fritter, Fritter

↓ Transcript
WOMAN (speaking to man): I used to fritter, but now I Twitter!

That’s Tweet

That’s Tweet

Yes, having a baby is a smart career move. Blog, baby! Blog! If you can stay awake between feedings and diaper changes, you’ll have an endless source of cute stories to tell. Or you could just get a cat and achieve the same thing.

This comic is also available (and funny) in German.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A woman has just given birth. A nurse or doctor holds the baby as the woman looks on and smiles.

MOTHER OF BABY: At last, I’ll have something to blog about!