No Sleep for the Sexy

No Sleep for the Sexy

1951 art by Reed Crandall from the story "Bitter Love" in CINDERELLA LOVE #2 (Ziff-Davis.)

1951 art by Reed Crandall from the story “Bitter Love” in CINDERELLA LOVE #2 (Ziff-Davis.)


YOUNG WOMAN (talking to another woman): I promised my boyfriend I’d stop sleeping around! But I don’t know why he was so upset! It’s not like I actually got any sleep!

1951 Art: Reed Crandall Re-Creation: Elite Avni-Sharon


↓ Transcript
YOUNG WOMAN (talking to another woman): I promised my boyfriend I’d stop sleeping around! But I don’t know why he was so upset! It’s not like I actually got any sleep!

1951 Art: Reed Crandall Re-Creation: Elite Avni-Sharon


Dream Girl

Dream Girl

Meanwhile, back in 1957…
See the original 1957 art and dialogue for today’s Last Kiss webcomic here.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Red-headed girl smiling and waving towards the reader.

RED HEAD: Hi! I’m The Girl of Your Dreams! Oops! Time to wake up!
Artist Unknown Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
©2014 Last Kiss Inc

Bed Rest? You Wish!

Bed Rest? You Wish!

Below is the original 1960s art. (If it appears squished in your browser then click on the image to unsquish and enlarge!)

I’m showing the entire page here—and without any touch ups—just to show how much cleaning some of the art needs before I can use it.

Some need very little. This page needed needed a bit more than most—but far less than some!—because I had to scan from a negative. The negatives I received from Charlton always seem to be dirtier and drop out more detail than Charlton’s photostats.

In case you’re wondering, I’ve digitally reversed the whites and blacks of the negative so that it looks like a like a regular page of art.

Click on image to enlarge.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman in bed alone. She's talking to someone who is off-camera.

WOMAN: You can rest later! Get back in bed!

Art by Vince Colletta Studio

Welcome to My Sexmare!

Welcome to My Sexmare!

Frankly, I almost didn’t use this panel—fearing that the imagery would confuse some readers.

In the context of the original 1960s story (see panel below), it’s clear that the woman at the bottom of the panel is dreaming of herself kissing a man.

But, in the Last Kiss version, it looks like some sort of weird Ménage à trois affair…in the midst of some billowing clouds. Hmm. Come to think of it, that works too!

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman dreaming of herself kissing a man.

WOMAN (thinking): No tongue? No sex? @#$%! Must wake up! It's a nightmare!

Art by Vince Colletta Studio

The Problem of Sleeping with Men

The Problem of Sleeping with Men

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman talking to another woman.

WOMAN: Oh, I never sleep with men! They keep me awake all night!

Art by Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani