Ask Mr. Last Kiss
Mr. Last Kiss solves your problems the old-fashioned way. He guesses!
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Dear Mr. Last Kiss:
Disoriented from an overdose of
double-rum raisin cake and triple-tequila smoothies, I recently
wandered into a comic shop and
accidentally read a few hundred comics.
Of course, I didn’t buy any! But, ever since, I’ve had a craving for more!
I feel guilty, though. Shouldn’t I be
watching TV instead? Aren’t comics just literary junk food?
--Frantic in Frisco
Dear Frantic:
Not at all! Eaten in sensible
quantities, comics can be a rich source of mindless violence and absurd fantasies! Of course, if you actually believe anything in comics (especially what you’re reading right now) you’re probably doomed.
--Mr. Last Kiss
MAN: Everything I know, I learned from comic books!
Disoriented from an overdose of
double-rum raisin cake and triple-tequila smoothies, I recently
wandered into a comic shop and
accidentally read a few hundred comics.
Of course, I didn’t buy any! But, ever since, I’ve had a craving for more!
I feel guilty, though. Shouldn’t I be
watching TV instead? Aren’t comics just literary junk food?
--Frantic in Frisco
Dear Frantic:
Not at all! Eaten in sensible
quantities, comics can be a rich source of mindless violence and absurd fantasies! Of course, if you actually believe anything in comics (especially what you’re reading right now) you’re probably doomed.
--Mr. Last Kiss
MAN: Everything I know, I learned from comic books!