Monster Thirst? Monster Love!

Monster Thirst? Monster Love!

It’s not just love. It’s monster love!

Dialogue courtesy of Tony Isabella—creator of Black Lightning and secret love child of Godzilla.

Art by Bill Montes & Ernie Bache from the story “The Might of General Thung!” in Gorgo #22, 1965.










HEADER: Last Kiss presents…Monster Love™

SCENE: Gorgo is licking his chops and has a dopy expression on his face as he thinks about Reptilicus.

CAPTION: Gorgo knew he’d had too much to drink…when Reptilicus started looking good.

1965 Gorgo Art: Bill Montes & Ernie Bache 1962 “Reptilicus” Art: Joe Sinnott & Vince Alascia
Writer: Tony Isabella


Reptisaurus 6 – 19 One PanelCircleB

↓ Transcript
HEADER: Last Kiss presents...Monster Love™

SCENE: Gorgo is licking his chops and has a dopy expression on his face as he thinks about Reptilicus.

CAPTION: Gorgo knew he’d had too much to drink...when Reptilicus started looking good.

1965 Gorgo Art: Bill Montes & Ernie Bache 1962 “Reptilicus” Art: Joe Sinnott & Vince Alascia
Writer: Tony Isabella


Reptisaurus 6 - 19 One PanelCircleB

Monster Movie Madness

Monster Movie Madness

I’m always happy to present a new comic written by the great Tony Isabella. I’m doubly pleased this time because today’s comic was a joint effort and (for the first time) I get to share a writing byline with Tony!


Art by Joe Sinnott & Vince Colletta from the story “The Day Manhattan Died!” in Gorgo #5, Jan. 1962. Charlton Comics.




SCENE: Gorgo and another monster (this one tentacled) are fighting, knocking over buildings as the city is in flames and a fighter jet fires at them.

CAPTION: Gorgo was done with this movie! He was a serious actor! He knew his lines! Why didn’t his costar know his? How hard was it to memorize…”RRAAAUUGHHH?”

1962 Art: Joe Sinnott & Vince Colletta Art Restoration: John Lustig
Writers: Tony Isabella & John Lustig


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Gorgo and another monster (this one tentacled) are fighting, knocking over buildings as the city is in flames and a fighter jet fires at them.

CAPTION: Gorgo was done with this movie! He was a serious actor! He knew his lines! Why didn’t his costar know his? How hard was it to memorize..."RRAAAUUGHHH?"

1962 Art: Joe Sinnott & Vince Colletta Art Restoration: John Lustig
Writers: Tony Isabella & John Lustig


Lair of the Spider Lady

Lair of the Spider Lady

My thanks to Allen Freeman and Felina Vie for another fun holiday photo.



SCENE: Felina Vie dressed in a sexy, black costume with a giant spider and spider web in the background.

FELINA: Don’t try to resist! Just come closer! Closer! And let me devour your little fly heart!

AF.lk14 Felina Spider

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Felina Vie dressed in a sexy, black costume with a giant spider and spider web in the background.

FELINA: Don’t try to resist! Just come closer! Closer! And let me devour your little fly heart!

AF.lk14 Felina Spider

Different Worlds, Same Love

Different Worlds, Same Love

Gorgo love courtesy of matchmaker Tony Isabella.

Artist unknown, but possibly by Dick Giordano & Vince Colletta. From Gorgo #10, Dec. 1962.



SCENE: Gorgo and another giant creature are fighting (or hugging) as skyscrapers are knocked two the ground and turned to rubble. In the background a flying saucer attacks with some sort of ray blast and a helicopter is also flying nearby.

CAPTION #1: Though they were literally from different worlds…

CAPTION #2: everyone could see their love was true.

CAPTION #3: However, there were some issues…

CAPTION #4: with their reception and wedding night.

CAPTION #5: Mar-a-Lago would never be the same.

1962 Art: Unknown, but possibly by Dick Giordano & Vince Colletta Restoration: John Lustig
Guest Writer: Tony Isabella


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Gorgo and another giant creature are fighting (or hugging) as skyscrapers are knocked two the ground and turned to rubble. In the background a flying saucer attacks with some sort of ray blast and a helicopter is also flying nearby.

CAPTION #1: Though they were literally from different worlds...

CAPTION #2: everyone could see their love was true.

CAPTION #3: However, there were some issues...

CAPTION #4: with their reception and wedding night.

CAPTION #5: Mar-a-Lago would never be the same.

1962 Art: Unknown, but possibly by Dick Giordano & Vince Colletta Restoration: John Lustig
Guest Writer: Tony Isabella


Green Passion

Green Passion

Many thanks to my pal Mike Pascale for transforming the original art (below) into a fantastic horror-themed, romance comic for Halloween. The basic gag is also by Mike. (I just make a small tweak to the dialogue.)

By sheer coincidence, Mike submitted the gag just a couple of weeks after Shelagh and I went “green” and got a three-year lease on an all-electric car–a 2020 Chevy Bolt. (Rumor has it that Frankenstein’s Monster has already gotten the 2021 model.)

Art by Dick Giordano with possible assist by Vince Colletta. From the story “Letter from Long Ago” in FIRST KISS #6, 1958.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Frankenstein's Monster and a young woman are talking as a lightning storm rages in the background. The Monster's face is glowing green.

MONSTER: I hear you're into "green energy!"

WOMAN: Wanna make some sparks?