Black Cat Friday

Black Cat Friday

Happy Friday the Thirteen, Everyone!



BLACK KITTEN WITH BLUE EYES: I’m not bad luck…unless you’re a mouse! Are you a mouse? I think you are! Let’s find out!

Adapted from a photo by Erik Mclean

↓ Transcript
BLACK KITTEN WITH BLUE EYES: I’m not bad luck…unless you’re a mouse! Are you a mouse? I think you are! Let’s find out!

Adapted from a photo by Erik Mclean

Bad Luck Is Fishy

Bad Luck Is Fishy

Happy (or at least safe) Friday the Thirteenth, everyone!

Sorry! There’s no vintage comic art this time. Diego Jourdan Pereira drew this cat for me independently of any comic reference material.


BLACK CAT: There’s no such thing as bad luck! Unless…holy rats! we’re not out of Tuna, are we? Then you’re screwed!

Cat Art: Diego Jourdan Pereira Background: John Lustig


↓ Transcript
BLACK CAT: There’s no such thing as bad luck! Unless...holy rats! we’re not out of Tuna, are we? Then you’re screwed!

Cat Art: Diego Jourdan Pereira Background: John Lustig
