40 Years of Fun

40 Years of Fun

Answers to Questions No One Has Asked Yet—But Will!

Q: Did you really wear Groucho glasses on your wedding day.

A: Yes, but only after the ceremony when we wanted to look cool.

Q: Why did you get married on St. Patrick’s Day?

A: Shelagh’s family is Irish (via Scotland and Canada,) And it seemed like a lucky date. (Plus, I had a green tie that I’d been wanting to wear.)

Q: How did you meet?

A: After my mom had cancer surgery, Shelagh was one of my mother’s nurses. I met Shelagh when she was on duty the night before my mother was discharged. I wanted to see Shelagh again so, I looked her up in the phone book (remember those?) and asked her out. A few weeks later I proposed. And she’s been stuck with me ever since.

↓ Transcript
SCENE A bride (Shelagh Lustig) and a groom (John Lustig) are wearing Groucho Marx glasses, noses and mustaches on their wedding day.

SHELAGH: I love a man with a good sense of humor!

JOHN: Really? is he anyone I know?

Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary
to my muse & partner in matrimonial mischief:
Shelagh Boroughs Lustig

(And Happy St. Patrick’s Day
to everyone else.)

Shelagh and John at their wedding-topaz-denoise-enhance-4x-exposure-faceai-sharpen-colorNo Background

John’s Last Kiss-ish Birthday

John’s Last Kiss-ish Birthday

Thank you in advance to the big three in my life–farmily, friends and fans–for what I’m sure will be a great 70th birthday!

And please check out guest artist and all-around great guy Mike Tackett’s site for more of his fun, wacky whimsy!

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A man and a woman--each wearing bathing suits--are kissing on a deserted beach ala the film "From Here to Eternity"

WOMAN: Happy Birthday, John. This kiss is for you!

MAN: Wait--I'm not John!

WOMAN: A girl can pretend, can't she?

©2022 Last Snog Inc

As a birthday gift last year, my pal Mike Tackett created this fun Last Kiss-ish comic. It was too good not to share--so here it is for my big, smoochy 70th birthday. Thanks, Mike!
https://miketackett.com ©2022 Mike Tackett