She’s Branching Out for Arbor Day

She’s Branching Out for Arbor Day

Happy Arbor Day from me and my frequent partner in hilarity Mike Pascale.

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by John Tartaglione from the story “Elopement” in First Kiss #4, July 1958. Charlton Comics.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A woman with a small suitcase is leaving a home's courtyard.

VOICE FROM OFF PANEL: You’re celebrating Arbor Day? How?!!

WOMAN: Isn’t it obvious? I’m leaf-ing you!

1958 Art: John Tartaglione Color: Dan McConnell
Have Puns, Will Babble: Mike Pascale & John Lustig

Earthy Humor

Earthy Humor

My thanks to mischievous Mike Pascale for the great Earth Day gag!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by “Chasal” (Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani) from the story “Whose Broken Heart?” in First Kiss #15, July 1960. Charlton.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman are outside. The woman seems upset by what he says to her.

MAN: Climate change gets me hot!

WOMAN: One more reason to stop it!

Earth Day

1960 Art: "Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani
Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Earthy Humor: Mike Pascale


A Taxing Time with Tillie

A Taxing Time with Tillie

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “A Bouquet of Roses” in First Kiss #20, May 1961.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on

↓ Transcript
WOMAN: I’ve been looking for someone like you! So get out your receipts! I want to know everything about you!*

CAPTION: *First “Date” with Tillie Tightpurse, IRS Auditor!

1961 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Taxing Humor: John Lustig

April Fools’ Lust

April Fools’ Lust

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Art Saaf & Mike Peppe from the story “Kiss and Run” in New Romances #14, Dec. 1952. Standard Comics.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman in a car talking.

MAN: As an April Fools' joke, let’s have sex!

WOMAN: How’d that be funny?

MAN: Seeing me naked always makes women laugh!

1952 Art: Art Saaf & Mike Peppe Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira


Sick of Chicks?

Sick of Chicks?

Happy Easter from me and my frequent partner in Last Kiss hilarity Mike Pascale. Today’s Last Kiss is a composite image put together by Mike Pascale from two different comic books. So we have two sets of vintage art this time. See below.

Original Vintage Art & Text


Art and script by Jack Keller from Teenage Hotrodders #13, July 1965. Charlton Comics.


Art by Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia from the story “One Too Many Heartbreaks” in First Kiss #39, 1964.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A sick man in a leather jacket and jeans is sitting on the ground--holding an empty Easter basket. Remnants of Peeps candy are on his mouth. A disapproving woman looks on from the foreground.

MAN (moaning): URRRP!

WOMAN: Feeling sick? Serves you right for eating all your marshmallow chicks!

MAN: <Groan> Not just my chicks!

WOMAN: <gasp> You ate mine too?!!

CAPTION: Afraid to answer...he didn’t make a peep!

1960s Art: Jack Keller & Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia Added Color & New Layout: Mike Pascale
Sugared-Out Writers: Mike Pascale & John Lustig
