Sexy Freedom

Sexy Freedom

Happy Fourth of July–in advance!

Today’s gag is a revamp of a comic that Mike Pascale and I did together years ago. In humor, when it comes to text, shorter is usually better. But I think this longer version does a better job of setting up the joke. I hope you enjoy it.

I’ll be back with a new comic for the actual Fourth of July.

Original Vintage Art & Text

Pencils by Dick Giordano (with inks by either Giordano or Vince Colletta) from the story “Letter from Long Ago” in FIRST KISS #6, 1958.




Scene: Uncle Sam and a young woman are almost chin to chin as they smile at each other. In the background, fireworks are going off.

WOMAN: Being with you
is always a big, glorious orgasmic event! What your secret?

UNCLE SAM: Freedom, Baby! It’s sexy! Plus I’ve had 245 years to learn foreplay!

1958 Pencils: Dick Giordano Facial Coloring: Allen Freeman
Uncle Sam Transformation: Mike Pascale Gag: Pascale & Lustig


↓ Transcript
Scene: Uncle Sam and a young woman are almost chin to chin as they smile at each other. In the background, fireworks are going off.

WOMAN: Being with you
is always a big, glorious orgasmic event! What your secret?

UNCLE SAM: Freedom, Baby! It's sexy! Plus I've had 245 years to learn foreplay!

1958 Pencils: Dick Giordano Facial Coloring: Allen Freeman
Uncle Sam Transformation: Mike Pascale Gag: Pascale & Lustig


Fourth of July Encore

Fourth of July Encore

Vintage art & text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Playing It Cool” in FIRST KISS #12, Jan. 1960.



SCENE: Man and woman in car at night.

MAN: So, I guess the fireworks are over!

WOMAN: Not if we move to the backseat!

1960 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Foreground Color: Allen Freeman

Vintage text:
WOMAN: Oh, Rajah. That was fun! You’re a great driver!

MAN: Yeah, maybe I’ll drive at Indianapolis someday!




↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman in car at night.

MAN: So, I guess the fireworks are over!

WOMAN: Not if we move to the backseat!

1960 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Foreground Color: Allen Freeman

Vintage text:
WOMAN: Oh, Rajah. That was fun! You're a great driver!

MAN: Yeah, maybe I'll drive at Indianapolis someday!

Uncle Sam Battles On

Uncle Sam Battles On

Happy Fourth of July from me and my frequent co-conspirator in Last Kiss fun Mike Pascale.

Vintage art & text: FK24.3.1.2

Art by Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani from the story “Honeymoon Continued” in First Kiss #24, Jan. 1962.




SCENE: Caucasian woman in a medical mask talking to an African American Uncle Sam who has a black eye and a bandage on his cheek. In the background, fireworks going off.

WOMAN: Still battling to make things better?

SAM: Always!

Vintage 1962 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Master of Modern Miracles: Mike Pascale

Original Art:
Caption: Most husbands don’t want their wives to bother their pretty little head about money matters!

MAN (to woman): No, honey, you just let little ol’ me take care of you!

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Caucasian woman in a medical mask talking to an African American Uncle Sam who has a black eye and a bandage on his cheek. In the background, fireworks going off.

WOMAN: Still battling to make things better?

SAM: Always!

Vintage 1962 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Master of Modern Miracles: Mike Pascale

Original Art:
Caption: Most husbands don't want their wives to bother their pretty little head about money matters!

MAN (to woman): No, honey, you just let little ol' me take care of you!

Fourth of July Passion

Fourth of July Passion

Last Kiss for July 2, 2020


Vintage art & text for July 2, 2020

Art by Art Cappello & Dick Giordano from the story “Love’s Crucible” in FIRST KISS #1.




SCENE: Man and woman running towards a big-finned car.

MAN: I love the Fourth! The flashes of brilliance! The bold, loud bangs!

WOMAN: Yes! And between those bangs we can watch the fireworks!

1957 Art: Art Cappello & Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman




↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman running towards a big-finned car.

MAN: I love the Fourth! The flashes of brilliance! The bold, loud bangs!

WOMAN: Yes! And between those bangs we can watch the fireworks!

1957 Art: Art Cappello & Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman

Happy Fourth

Happy Fourth

Last Kiss 2019 Fourth of July comic

Happy Fourth!

Original art that today's Last Kiss comic was based on.

Art by Alex Kotzky from Uncle Sam Quarterly #8, 1943.




SCENE: A young boy is riding on Uncle Sam’s shoulders as Uncle Sam runs across a field with fireworks exploding in the background.

UNCLE SAM & BOY: Happy Independence Day!

1943 Character Art by Alex Kotzky from Uncle Sam Quarterly #8. Background: Composite from photos by Sam Mathews & Nitish Meena

Art by Alex Kotzky from Uncle Sam Quarterly #8, 1943.

Art Code: UncleSam8_0

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A young boy is riding on Uncle Sam's shoulders as Uncle Sam runs across a field with fireworks exploding in the background.

UNCLE SAM & BOY: Happy Independence Day!

1943 Character Art by Alex Kotzky from Uncle Sam Quarterly #8. Background: Composite from photos by Sam Mathews & Nitish Meena

Art by Alex Kotzky from Uncle Sam Quarterly #8, 1943.

Art Code: UncleSam8_0