Happy Fourth of July from me and my frequent co-conspirator in Last Kiss fun Mike Pascale.

Art by Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani from the story “Honeymoon Continued” in First Kiss #24, Jan. 1962.
SCENE: Caucasian woman in a medical mask talking to an African American Uncle Sam who has a black eye and a bandage on his cheek. In the background, fireworks going off.
WOMAN: Still battling to make things better?
SAM: Always!
Vintage 1962 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Master of Modern Miracles: Mike Pascale
Original Art:
Caption: Most husbands don’t want their wives to bother their pretty little head about money matters!
MAN (to woman): No, honey, you just let little ol’ me take care of you!
WOMAN: Still battling to make things better?
SAM: Always!
Vintage 1962 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Master of Modern Miracles: Mike Pascale
Original Art:
Caption: Most husbands don't want their wives to bother their pretty little head about money matters!
MAN (to woman): No, honey, you just let little ol' me take care of you!
Uncle Sam looks like he was walking home from the store when the police deemed he was acting suspicious.
Uncle Sam is the spirit of liberty and equality. So, yeah. What could be more suspicious than that?
Proud to be an American
Aware there’s a lot of work yet to be done before EVERYONE has a real chance at the American dream
I hope we get to that day—or at least a better semblance of it—soon, Rex. But, of course, democracy is always a work in progress.