Last Kiss Prize Goes to Japan

This autographed Last Kiss print was part of a GoComics prize packet won by Curtis.

This autographed Last Kiss print was part of a GoComics prize packet won by Curtis.

I don’t receive a lot of fan mail from Japan, but when I do it’s always very enthusiastic and extra nice. The latest came from “Curtis” who won an autographed Last Kiss print in a contest sponsored by my online publisher GoComics. You can read about it on Curtis’s Three Steps Over Japan blog (which also features lots of manga reviews).

By the way, Curtis describes the GoComics version of Last Kiss like this: “There’s a lot of innuendo, but nothing outright dirty (that’s supplied by the commenters on GoComics.)

I’ve got to agree with Curtis about that. Last Kiss fan comments on GoComics are often vigorous, numerous and much dirtier than my comics. They’re also far from politically correct. If that sort of thing appeals to you then check it out.