Zombie Dearest

Zombie Dearest

For now, this is the final episode of Cosplay Comics (TM) featuring the lovely (and gracious-even-when-she’s-one-of-the-evil-dead) Brieanna Brock.

My thanks to Brie for being such a good sport. It’s been great fun. I hope to do more photo comics sometime with Brie and possibly other models. (If you’d like to see more too, let me know.)

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SCENE: Model Brieanna Brock made up to look like a zombie.

ZOMBIE BRIEANNA: You’re so cute and alive! I could just eat you up!
Image ©Brieanna Brock Dialogue ©2013 Last Kiss Inc

Tea Party for One

Tea Party for One

My only experience with proper tea parties was when my daughters were young and I had innumerable imaginary teas from their dainty plastic cups.

The great thing about imaginary tea is that you can always add imaginary rum.

The worst thing about imaginary tea spiked with imaginary rum? Imaginary hangovers!

Oh, yes—in case you’re wondering—this is #6 (of seven) Cosplay Comics (TM) featuring model Brieanna Brock.

My thanks to Brieanna and Dawn Call Photography for letting me ham up their Wonderland of a photo!

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SCENE: A photo of Brieanna Brock in a sexy outfit at a Wonderland tea party by herself.

BRIEANNA: Tell the Tea Party I want my magic mushrooms back!

Photo ©2013 Dawn Call Photography
Model: Brieanna Brock Dialogue ©2013 Last Kiss Inc

Zatanna Revealed

Zatanna Revealed

Another Cosplay Comic featuring model Brieanna Brock—this time as the DC Comics character Zatanna.

My thanks to Brieanna and photographer Joseph Scott for letting me have fun with their photo in this episode of Cosplay Comics (TM).

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SCENE Brieanna Brock cosplaying the DC Comics character Zatanna.

ZATANNA: See? I told you I didn’t have anything up my sleeves! No! I’m not hiding anything there either!

Model: Brieanna Brock Photo ©Joseph Scott

Dialogue ©2013 Last Kiss Inc

Snow White Has Drifted

Snow White Has Drifted

I’m told that the character that Brieanna Brock is playing is a comic book character called “Sela.” But Snow White is funnier for this gag.

My thanks to Brieanna and photographer Brian DeCania for letting me play fast and loose with this picture.

This is the fourth of seven Cosplay Comics (TM) featuring Brieanna.

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SCENE: Brieanna Brock is dressed up in a sexy Snow White/Sela costume and leaning up against a post on the sidewalk.

SNOW WHITE: The dwarves call me “Snow White!” But my working name is...“Puss in Boots!”

Model: Brieanna Brock
Photo: ©Brian DeCania Dialogue: ©Last Kiss Inc

Cindy’s Shoe Fetish

Cindy’s Shoe Fetish

Of course, Cinderella has a shoe fetish. I mean—glass slipper? Sheesh!

My thanks to model Brieanna Brock and John Grote of JMG Photography for letting me dialog and use this photo.

There will be a new episode of Cosplay Comics (TM) featuring Brieanna on Sunday.

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SCENE: A very sexy Cinderella in a blue nightgown is sitting on some stairs---holding up one of her glass slippers which is dripping blood from the sharp heel.

CINDY: No one laughs at my glass
slippers! No one!

Model: Brieanna Brock Photo ©John M Grote

Dialogue ©Last Kiss Inc