Artist unknown, but possibly Vince Colletta Studio. From the story “The Time of Decision” in BRIDES IN LOVE #9, 1958.
WOMAN: Surely, I’ll be your Valentine! But…darn it! Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sex!
MALE AIRLINE PILOT: You bet! And don’t call me Shirley!
1958 Artist Unknown Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Artist unknown, but possibly Vince Colletta Studio. From the story “The Time of Decision” in BRIDES IN LOVE #9, 1958.
↓ Transcript
WOMAN: Surely, I’ll be your Valentine! But...darn it! Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sex!
MALE AIRLINE PILOT: You bet! And don’t call me Shirley!
1958 Artist Unknown Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Artist unknown, but possibly Vince Colletta Studio. From the story "The Time of Decision" in BRIDES IN LOVE #9, 1958.
MALE AIRLINE PILOT: You bet! And don’t call me Shirley!
1958 Artist Unknown Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Artist unknown, but possibly Vince Colletta Studio. From the story "The Time of Decision" in BRIDES IN LOVE #9, 1958.
“I can think gay. Especially when I’m around your sister. But straight? Eh. Not so much.”
“Let me shake the Magic 8-Ball again…nope. Still says ‘Answer hazy. Try again later.'”
“If we were talking about waffles, I could give you an answer straight away. And that answer would be, ‘Oh yes sirree bob! Gimme some a’ those waffles!’. But marriage is so much more abstract a concept than waffles.”
“It’s not you! It’s me! And all those men I’m sleeping with!”
“Id be so much more certain of our love if you made more money!”
“You can’t just ask me to marry you and then go run off on tour with the Village People!”
Jam, I always enjoy your comments tremendously. But I particular like: “It’s not you! It’s me! And all those men I’m sleeping with!” Mind if I use it for a Last Kiss gag sometime. I’ll be happy to credit you however you like.
Sorry. I just saw this. I’d be honored if you use it. No worries on credit. Thanks.
Thanks, Jam!
Now that’s some scimitar eyebrows.
He’s going to have to give up a lot of things shipboard. Not much privacy to be had.
Your commenters on GOCOMICS are the best!
I totally agree, Dave!