Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m feeling grateful today about many things–family, friends and great readers like you. I’m also abundantly grateful that I’m working with exceptional contributors like Mike Pascale, Tony Isabella and Diego Jourdan Pereira. I’m a lucky guy.
Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist Unknown. From the story “The Love that Failed” in FIRST KISS #25, 1962 (Sorry. The no link this time because the original comic book is not online.)
SCENE: We see a man from the top part of his bare chest. He’s wearing a white chef’s hat. He’s facing a (dressed) woman who has one hand over her face.
MAN: The turkey’s almost ready! When are your parents getting here?
WOMAN: Right after you put on a shirt…and pants!
CAPTION: Be grateful for the bare necessities! And have a…Happy Thanksgiving!
1962 Artist unknown Partial Color: Allen Freeman
Mostly Dressed: Mike Pascale & John Lustig
MAN: The turkey’s almost ready! When are your parents getting here?
WOMAN: Right after you put on a shirt…and pants!
CAPTION: Be grateful for the bare necessities! And have a...Happy Thanksgiving!
1962 Artist unknown Partial Color: Allen Freeman
Mostly Dressed: Mike Pascale & John Lustig
You’re not wearing underwear, so I’m not wearing outerwear!!
That’s just logic. You can’t argue with that.
Gonna be some chest hair in the gravy.
Quiet! Or else everyone will want that!
Hope he didn’t add any special sauce.
There’s a cavity stuffing joke in there somewhere. But much too lethargic from high carb holiday breakfast to find it. Happy Thanksgiving All.