While I’ve used this gag before (with very different art), I couldn’t resist reviving it now since I’ll be at Comic-Con International in San Diego all week.
(You can find me and oodles of Last Kiss art at Prism Comics—Booth #2144. (See my scheduled hours.) Plus additional Last Kiss goodies are for sale at World Famous Comics—Booth #5560.)
No honeymoon for me, however. But I do expect to read a few comics this week—possibly in bed!

Pencils by Charles Nicholas. ( Inks possibly by Jon D’Agostino.) From the story “The End of the Honeymoon” in BRIDES IN LOVE #1, 1956.
SCENE: Groom and his red-headed bride are about to kiss. Eyes closed.
GROOM: Just think! We can spend our entire honeymoon in bed…reading comics!
BRIDE: Dibs on the bottom bunk!
1956 Pencils: Charles Nicholas Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
GROOM: Just think! We can spend our entire honeymoon in bed...reading comics!
BRIDE: Dibs on the bottom bunk!
1956 Pencils: Charles Nicholas Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
(Original Art) Wait, so Lois was married to Barry Allen? Did she divorce him before she became a reporter?
James, since it was to Barry Allen/The Flash, it was a quickee wedding and a quickee divorce.
(Sorry about the late reply.)
“I mean really Phil. You’re rich, have an incurable disease that will kill you within six months, and aren’t at home when the pool boy comes by for the daily ‘cleaning’. The only way you could be more perfect is if you had an open minded twin”
Guess what? I do have a twin. As to whether he has an open mind, I don’t know. But I’ll send him over when he gets off work from the sex club and you can ask him.