On the Edge of Love
See the original vintage art and text below.

As some of you know, Bucky is the title character in an animated TV/comic book series (IT’S ALWAYS BUCKY) that writer Jack Enyart and I are shopping around.

By the way, Jack was featured on Station KHTS during it’s Friday Matinee interview and spent several minutes discussing Bucky and me. Here are the links for the video version:

Jack Enyart on KHTS.

Jack Enyart on KHTS.

PART 1: https://youtu.be/QwDjxI7jMPE

PART 2: https://youtu.be/rMN9u-1ejxo

So contact us, Hollywood. We’ve got mortgages and online-porn bills to pay!

Art by Reed Crandall in SMASH #25, 1941.

Art by Reed Crandall in SMASH #25, 1941.




Bucky is pointing excitedly back at a seaside cliff that towers above him.

BUCKY: Mom says the cliff’s too dangerous! But Sis is taking me anyway! And she says I can play right on the edge!

Life According to Bucky TM

1941 Art: Reed Crandall Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira

It’s Always Bucky™

↓ Transcript
Bucky is pointing excitedly back at a seaside cliff that towers above him.

BUCKY: Mom says the cliff’s too dangerous! But Sis is taking me anyway! And she says I can play right on the edge!

Life According to Bucky TM

1941 Art: Reed Crandall Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira