Art probably by Jack Sparling from the story “Bottled Heartache” in GREAT LOVER ROMANCES #11, 1953.
SCENE: Woman kicking off a shoe as she has a drink.
WOMAN: men are like heels! I love dancing on ’em all night…’til they wear out!
1953 Art: Jack Sparling? Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman kicking off a shoe as she has a drink.
WOMAN: men are like heels! I love dancing on ’em all night...’til they wear out!
1953 Art: Jack Sparling? Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
WOMAN: men are like heels! I love dancing on ’em all night...’til they wear out!
1953 Art: Jack Sparling? Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
“I mean he was this big Allen. THIS…BIG! I swear. I should have married him. But who do I get stuck with? If your pants were pulled up any higher Allen, you’d have to wear nipple guards.”
Steve Canyon begins to regret his decision to submit to Virginlia Dowsnspout.
HA! He does look a bit like the Colonel. She’s no Poteet.
Why is it dated for yesterday?
Colcam, I assume you’re asking because the comic is supposed to come out on GoComics.com (and some other sites) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. But the current comic is dated as coming out on Sunday (July 24) instead of Monday (July 25.)
A lot of this has to do with time zones. I’m in Seattle and on Pacific Time. But GoComics is headquartered in Kansas City and when it posts Last Kiss at Midnight (Central Time) it’s still only 10 p.m. where I am.
So—even if I post Last Kiss here at exactly the same time as GoComics—the date is always technically a day earlier because of the time zone. (I hope that makes sense.)
However, I also often post Last Kiss a little before GoComics does. That way—if there’s a problem and the comic doesn’t post properly on my site—I can fix it before fans from GoComics (and other sites) come here to see the original art.