Artist unknown. From the story “Infatuation” from FIRST KISS #4, 1958.
CAPTION: It’s the perfect diet! Eat everything you want! Never exercise! And feel great! Is it a scam? Probably. But to find out for sure, mail me a blank check and I’ll send you my new book…I Can’t Count Calories When My Mouth’s Full!
PANEL #1 SCENE: Man and woman sitting in a restaurant eating and drinking.
MAN: You’re ordering another bowl of ice cream? But…you’ve already eaten six!
WOMAN: Seven! But… so what? According to John Lustig’s book, calories don’t matter!
PANEL #2 SCENE: Closeup of the woman talking.
WOMAN: He’s shown me the truth about the inner, thinner me! Fat is a state of mind! And thanks to Lustig, I’ve moved across the border to…a new state of denial and double-fudge sundaes!
CAPTION: Remember: You’re not fat…as long as you can lie to yourself!
PANEL #1 SCENE: Man and woman sitting in a restaurant eating and drinking.
MAN: You’re ordering another bowl of ice cream? But…you’ve already eaten six!
WOMAN: Seven! But... so what? According to John Lustig’s book, calories don’t matter!
PANEL #2 SCENE: Closeup of the woman talking.
WOMAN: He’s shown me the truth about the inner, thinner me! Fat is a state of mind! And thanks to Lustig, I’ve moved across the border to...a new state of denial and double-fudge sundaes!
CAPTION: Remember: You’re not fat…as long as you can lie to yourself!
Nothing wrong with the relationship. However, her guy should check on who her mother is. Might be embarrassing, otherwise
“…and once I convince him to drop that restraining order, we’ll be together forever!”