Inks by Dick Giordano from the story “Hello, Beautiful” in FIRST KISS #12, 1950.
SCENE: Man and woman with fireworks in the background.
WOMAN: Fireworks are like sex! I only like them in the dark…outside with large crowds!
Inks by Dick Giordano Color by Allen Freeman
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman with fireworks in the background.
WOMAN: Fireworks are like sex! I only like them in the dark…outside with large crowds!
Inks by Dick Giordano Color by Allen Freeman
WOMAN: Fireworks are like sex! I only like them in the dark…outside with large crowds!
Inks by Dick Giordano Color by Allen Freeman
About two minutes, if you’re lucky.
Yeah, but a great two minutes! For one of them.
I know it’s a retro appeal, but the dots, the dots …
If you’re talking about the original art, Dick, then that’s more a function of bad printing than anything else. Charlton Comics printing was truly awful much of the time!