Happy International Cat Day!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown. From the story “Deception” in Romantic Marriage #4, 1950. Ziff-Davis. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
DEJECTED BLONDE WOMAN: At least my cats love me!
1950 Artist Unknown Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Real Cool Cat: John Lustig
Romantic Marriage #4 (Ziff-Davis Publications) 1950
↓ Transcript
DEJECTED BLONDE WOMAN: At least my cats love me!
1950 Artist Unknown Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Real Cool Cat: John Lustig
Romantic Marriage #4 (Ziff-Davis Publications) 1950
1950 Artist Unknown Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Real Cool Cat: John Lustig
Romantic Marriage #4 (Ziff-Davis Publications) 1950
“Joan was so beautiful–so popular! I-I’m only a Plain Jain compared to her! Why did you pick me Jon?..
…I wonder if Joan being dead has anything to do with it?”
…I wonder if his pet name for me, “Cream Soda”, is any kind of clue?”
…I wonder if my ability to suck a golf ball through a garden hose has anything to do with it?”
…I wonder if my ability to crack walnuts open with my thighs has anything to do with it?”
…It’s not like I’m rich. Well, not now. I will be once Dad dies, leaving me millions in cold hard cash, which would be easy to embezzle because I have no clue how accounting or bank accounts work. Coincidently, like Dad, I have a weak heart. But none of that probably has anything to do with it.”
…There was that time he had me and Joan sit at a table and started pointing at each of us in turn while saying something like “Eeny Meeny Miney Moe”…and then something about tiger toes. Do tigers have toes? Well, it sounds like it was more an ecological concern. So anyway, I was wondering how Jon came to pick me over Joan…”
…Wait a minute. Jon…Joan…I never see them in the same place at the same time…the only differences in their name is the letter “A”…Jon has a vagina instead of a penis…Oh My Stars and Garters! I think I’m the victim of a bait and switch!”
It was at that moment that Marilyn realized, no matter how far she twisted the knob on the right side of her forehead, she just couldn’t get better reception.
Wow. Some of your best, Jams!
Cats? Love you? No. No they don’t.
Maybe doing all those Kegels finally paid off?