I’ve ordered a 10-pound box of dark chocolates (with whiskey centers) for you, my sweet!

Art attributed to John Prentice from the story “Bedeviled” in First Love Illustrated #69, Oct. 1956.
SCENE: Stern, scary man leaning into woman who seems frightened.
WOMAN: No more ugly truth! I want beautiful lies! And chocolate!
1956 Art: John Prentice Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Stern, scary man leaning into woman who seems frightened.
WOMAN: No more ugly truth! I want beautiful lies! And chocolate!
1956 Art: John Prentice Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
WOMAN: No more ugly truth! I want beautiful lies! And chocolate!
1956 Art: John Prentice Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
“No! No! This is First Love Illustrated SIXTY NINE Idiot! You’re supposed to be facing the other way!”
“No! No! If you really loved me, you’d be better looking!”
“No! No! How many times have I told you Dad?! Even if you did stand in as my prom date, that’s as far as it goes!!”
“Your mouth may say ‘No! No!’,but your nostrils say ‘Yes! Yes!’!!!”
“No! No!”
“I have a sports car!”
“Maybe! Maybe!”
“And a beach house in Honolulu!”
“Yes! Yes!”
Beautiful lies and chocolate?
Her name is Ross?
I want beautiful lies, and chocolate… Ooo, Ooo, Ooo and a nice car, and a fur coat, and a big house, and a swimming pool, and… and why don’t you just leave your wallet on your way out!
… The dreary routine of the midway — The smell of cabbage —
No! NO–! I don’t think your voice should be higher than mine!
Ross, Ross! Oh my darling — you know I’m in love with yo… Hey! What’s with this suspicious bulge… and why do you have an adams apple?
Ross, Ross! Oh my darling — you know I’m in love with yoand who’s that girl over there?! he says as he drops her, unceremoniously to the floor
Ross, Ross! Oh my darling… Look into my eyes… you are getting sleepy…