Here’s the Prism Comics crew at the 2016 Comic-Con. I’m the old fart…uh, handsome guy in the green Last Kiss shirt.
During this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, the easiest place to find me will be Prism Comics. The Prism booth is #2144 in Hall C. I’ll be signing almost everything anyone sets in front of me—except blank checks!—and selling lots of new Last Kiss goodies.
Here are the times I’ll be in Prism’s Booth #2144:
Thursday, July 19, 1-3 p.m.
Friday, July 20, 12-2 p.m.
Saturday, July 21, 12-2 p.m.
Sunday, July 22, 1-3 p.m. (And maybe a bit longer!)
World Famous Comics:
I’ll also be bopping in at the World Famous Comics (Booth #5560 in Hall G) at least once a day where I’ve also got some fun, new Last Kiss goodies for sale. No set times for that, though. So, if you want to reach me at end of the building, ask or leave a message with one of the incredibly talented World Famous folks: Justin Chung, Spencer Brinkerhoff III, and Kristy & Brian Miller.